Project 12- week 6

Sustained Attention On Freshman College Students

Gender battle.


My population of interest is undergraduate freshman college students. The subjects The subjects that were sampled from his population are students that are psychology majors. The way that i recruited them was i told them that i was a psychology major as well. The conditions of this experiment were i had two groups. One group of male students and then one group of female students. 10 people where in each group. The subjects that were included were freshman psychology majors. People that were excluded from this were college students that are not freshman but also had intellectual disabilities. The average age of my subjects were 19 years  old. The subjects were motivated to participated because i would buy them munchkins and donuts from Dunkin Donuts. Also the winner receives a $50 amazon gift card.


The materials that i used were a deck of cards, a book, a computer, and  also a notepad. For my stimuli I’m going to be measuring a persons sustained attention. I would like to see how long a person can focus on something. You can also say this was a competition between the genders to see who has the best sustained attention. The stimuli were presented to my test subjects in a course. I wanted to see which group of subjects had the best average finish time in the course. The winner of this course would receive a $50 gift card. The reason why the gift card is on the line is so that they can use their full potential in the course. The responses were measured in time. I recorded these timings on my notepad.


We all know that males are the superior athletes, while females are smarter. But lets see who has the better sustained- attention. The only condition that i had was i created two groups. one group of males and one group of females. I wanted to compare the measurements between the two groups. Also wanted to see which subject had the better sustained attention. We all know that teenagers love using their phones. But lets see which gender can multitask the best while on their phones males or females. The subjects were told to run a course as fast as they can while on their phone. The way i collected my data was by measuring the time it toke each person to finish the course. I then compared the times of each groups. I predict that males would have better sustained attention. Now what about you?

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About Robert O. Duncan

I'm an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences at City University of New York, with joint appointments in Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroscience. I also have an appointment as a Visiting Scholar at New York University. My research interests include cognitive neuroscience, functional magnetic resonance imaging, glaucoma, neurodegenerative disorders, attention, learning, memory, educational technology, pedagogy, and developing games for education.

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