project 4 Week-6

Methods in Question Form

1. Subjects a. What is your population of interest?

College freshman who are in the OT, Nursing, and the PT programs

b. What subjects were sampled from that population? How were they recruited? College freshmen who think they are set to take on these careers in life.
c. What were the conditions (e.g., experimental vs. control groups) and how did you assign subjects to the conditions? Experimental- play the game Control- does not play the game Subjects were randomly split in groups
d. What subjects were included? What screening criteria were used to determine if a subject was eligible for the study (e.g., include only subjects with Type 2 Diabetes)? The subjects that were included College freshman who were interested in OT, nursing, and PT vocations. People who are eligible are only students whose majors in these fields .
e. What people were excluded (e.g., exclude subjects with Type 1 Diabetes)? College students who are not in their freshman year and who have no set plan for the vocation they want to dwell in.
f. What was the average age of the subjects? Describe the other relevant demographics like gender, ethnicity, education, etc. The average ages of students are 17-18 yrs. old.
g. How were subjects motivated to participate? Were they paid? Did they receive course credit? The subjects were motivated by receiving recommendation letters that stated , the student has had some experience in a field.

2. Apparatus

a. What materials did you use? Pen, paper, computer, Game, occupational clothing,
b. Describe your stimuli in detail. The stimuli is a learning based game that will allow freshman to enter the world of their vocation. This will in turn remove any vocational insecurity and have them continue college on a straight track of their vocation.
c. How were stimuli presented? Currently under development , thinking like a board games or so let based card game.
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About Robert O. Duncan

I'm an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences at City University of New York, with joint appointments in Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroscience. I also have an appointment as a Visiting Scholar at New York University. My research interests include cognitive neuroscience, functional magnetic resonance imaging, glaucoma, neurodegenerative disorders, attention, learning, memory, educational technology, pedagogy, and developing games for education.

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