Sometimes it could be very annoying to try doing something that you not really like or you do not feel to you have any interest from doing it. The same thing could be applied when it comes for learning. When considering school or learning, you cannot just give up, as it would be for something that does not really have a major importance. Particularly for children, they cannot just choose to abandon a class just because the material is difficult to learn. Considering those factors, researchers believe that problem could be solve by adopting another alternative that would make the learning process more pleasurable for kids. To do so they proposed a method of using games that help children learn faster, and more efficiently. This blog is about a game that is designed in order to help child learn about the importance of following a good diet, which could improve their capacity to learn at school. The title of the game is The Secret of a Good Diet. As a form of interaction, the player has to draw cards and read them. This supports the leaning objective of the game because about diet while reading the cards. When children play this game, it would have an impact on their cognition and their behavior. Cognitively, it would help them learn and think about how to choose a good food whenever they are at school or somewhere else. Yet their behavior would change since they learn what foods are good for them and what are not. Later on, when they will have to buy something to eat, they would not think about the taste only, but they would consider what would help them to stay healthy and boost their intelligence.
To play this game, two players are required. These players will interact with the game cooperatively, and they may need someone to assist them, like a referee for example. The primary objective of the is to win because it is a competitive game. Nevertheless, either you lose or win the game, you will still learn about diet toward the feedbacks that will have according to the cards that you draw. The rules are simple. Each player has to draw 20 cards from a set of 50 cards. The first on pick all of the cards, mixes them, than make his choices. The second repeats the same thing. The one who has the highest score wins. If a player draws three cards with foods that is good for leaning, he or she will earn bonus. Same thing will happen if the player picks five consecutives cards with good food names written on it. The items that are accrued during the game are points, money, gift cards, and comments about physical and mental health. The conflict of the game is resolved by having one player to win the game.
The game prevents players from behaving in the sense that I would be playful if only you respect the limit set by the designer. The limitation is fun because when the player picks the right cards, he will be rewarded. If the player cheats by violated the limit, he would get any outcome from the game. The game ends when the players are done with their choice, and the outcome would not conflict with the objective, it will rather lead player to toward the objectives. There are no main character in the game. The game is playful in the sense that it is rewarding when the player make the good choice, it provokes a feeling of contentment. To build the game system pen, makers, and papers were used. There is no dominant strategy in the game because it is a well-balanced game. The game is very engaging. The elements support learning in the sense that the player learn about the benefits of making good choice when it comes to food. He will observe his improvement in the domain of learning and food choice. It is very meaningful when the player draw the right card. It relates to the objective because depends on the card the player chooses, he would get feedbacks that relate to the learning process.
The game has no broken parts. They are not stagnant or boring. Finally, it is extremely easy to play the game. It does not require a lot of time to learn how to play. Five minutes will be sufficient to learn how to learn playing the game. You will learn it while you are trying to play it.