FA16 Project 6-week 9

The game  that I developed is called WordPlay. The audience for this game are ESl students of a 6th grade middle school class. The subjects  are a mix of both boys and girls between the age of 10-12  of mixed ethnicities. The rules were explained to the subjects before the game began, then they rolled the dice to determine the order. Once the game began it still took the subjects some time to get used to  playing the game. I had to reiterate the rules to them one more time.  Based on what I observed, the subjects simply  forgot  what the colors meant. However, after a couple turns they  started to get the hang of it. As far as remembering the words the success was split in half.  Fifty percent of them struggled to remember the definitions etc and  the other 50 did a satisfactory job. Considering this was  the first trial I think my results were good. I look forward to  running this experiment a couple times  and then observing the results.


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About Robert O. Duncan

I'm an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences at City University of New York, with joint appointments in Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroscience. I also have an appointment as a Visiting Scholar at New York University. My research interests include cognitive neuroscience, functional magnetic resonance imaging, glaucoma, neurodegenerative disorders, attention, learning, memory, educational technology, pedagogy, and developing games for education.

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