FA 16 Project 6 Week 12

WordPlay consist of 24 subjects who were recruited from a  6th-grade  middle school class.  They are students of a particular 6th-grade teacher  so this is the only criteria.  The demographics were obtained from a questionnaire that was administered to each subject.The participants consist of both boys and girls and a variety of ethnicities were represented such as Hispanic and Arabic.
WordPlay is an educational tool that can be used in the classroom to teach students new words; it was presented as an ordinary game to the subjects  to avoid  the results being skewed.The responses were observed for accuracy and speed which indicates an improvement in memory. The subjects were broken up into three groups, ELLS, IEPS, and Regular.  For each group there were two trials each containing 4 students for a total of 24 subjects. Each group contained a mix of different gender and ethnicity, Spanish, Arabic, etc. After the grades for the exam were calculated, all subjects had an overall improvement that was proportionate to their group. Additionally, there were improvements in their personal score. There was greater overall improvement in the regular 6th-grade students score compared to the others. The results were exciting to observe since there was an improvement as a result of playing WordPlay.

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About Robert O. Duncan

I'm an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences at City University of New York, with joint appointments in Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroscience. I also have an appointment as a Visiting Scholar at New York University. My research interests include cognitive neuroscience, functional magnetic resonance imaging, glaucoma, neurodegenerative disorders, attention, learning, memory, educational technology, pedagogy, and developing games for education.

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