This week I had the honor of testing my game out in a classroom setting. It was an amazing experience and such an honor to see the children react to my game. Since it was a large group (25 first graders) I had them broken up into 5 groups with 5 players each. Each group had 2 minute to discuss their answer before responding. This encouraged teamwork and to ensure that they worked together to get an answer. Each child in the group had to take a turn in saying their answer out loud. I wanted each player to give an answer so they all felt involved. The children were all eager to take a turn and had so much fun. The questions were all based on subjects they were currently learning. In order to make sure the children were benefitting from the game the teacher set up a short quiz to test each child’s knowledge. The children did amazing and were so proud of themselves. It was an honor too see each child’s reaction and to see them perform so well. It proved that my game is actually beneficial and helping its players. The children were very thankful that I came and played this game with them. They enjoyed learning while having fun. It was studying without all the stress and “boring” reading. The teacher also enjoyed seeing the children so excited and involved. She decided that before each test she is going to have a review based on the way my game is set up. She believes it will help the children before their test and I agree. I am so thankful that I thought of this game and that it is successful. I enjoy helping these children and look forward to testing it further. I had a lot of fun this week working on this process and working with these students. I wish I was able to capture the moment and take pictures of the children. The look on their faces as they were playing the game was priceless, they were extremely thrilled and motivated but unfortunately I was not allowed.
FA 16- Project 2: Week 13
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