Category Archives: FA16-Project 11

FA16-Project11 Week 6

For the Methods section, I discussed the subjects, apparatus, and procedures for my research. The subjects will be recruited from a school research subject pool at Brooklyn Autism Center in Brooklyn. They will be between the ages 12-18 years old. The way we would recruit these volunteers were recruited through brief surveys filled out by their parents. This game is a proto-type; in which it is the first time it would be used. Participants will play a board game, “Willie the Monster”. That is designed to fit shapes into the correct space to feed the monster. In the first part, participants will be asked to match the different shapes with the appropriate spaces. Their results will then be recorded, by charting the amount they got right and the amount they got wrong. The second part of the experiment, is for the participant to take the shapes and place them in their original spaces with the help of a child without ASD. Behaviors are then recorded. Doing this will help provide a contrast in behavior relating to their performance Subjects were told that they will be playing a game in which they had to feed the monster. If they got the answer wrong, then the monster will be hungry. The collection of data was recorded on a bar- graph to show the ranges of behavior when working with another child. There were 10 trials for the game.

Week 5

My general topic of interest is that social cognition can help a child develop better socially by applying a board game that will help children recognize their different strengths and when to positively engage socially with others. Natalie I. Berger and Brooke Ingersoll, expressed that children with autism spectrum disorder demonstrate increased social attention in response to contingent imitation by an adult (2013). When children age, they depend on adults, like parents, to express correct and positive ways of life. They are very observant, and mock the way adults do things. Without correction, this will become something that the children learned. Behaviors such as learning how to share or communicate properly, are great behaviors learned from adults.
“ Instructional learning… is inseparable from an understanding that other people have the communicative intent to teach or convey information ( Agnetta, B., & Rochat, P. 2004). The authors clearly state that people have “communicative intent to teach”(Agnetta, B., & Rochat, P. 2004), or they have an innate capacity to teach or relay information to others. With disorders such as cerebral palsy, children need constant physical and occupational therapy (Sandlund, M. et al 2012). A study done by E. O’Connor et al, expresses that massively multiplayer online games, are viewed as a virtual world, and players use it as a role playing game (2015) Role playing games are created to give a more directed or influenced feel. The gamer is the actual person in the game in which he or she can express themselves in ways they can not in real life. What does this have in common with children that have disabilities? Children with disabilities may not have the means to communicate effectively. This is where gaming comes in. Gaming is a way to express oneself by learning different concepts and using them to complete levels in games. Children tend to focus on face like patterns when viewing images (Csibra, G., & Gergely, G 2006).
The work that needs to be conducted to further our knowledge, is examining the effects of gaming and teaching children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, how to effectively socialize with others. This is very important because if the child has siblings, then it would be great for the child to learn how to socialize positively with them ( Dyson, Liley L. 1996). The questions remaining are: How will I create a game, in which someone with a disorder like Autism Spectrum Disorder, to effectively socialize with others? Will my game have any downfall or repercussions when I produce it in front of a experimental population?
To test my theory, I will develop a boardgame similar to a puzzle. The name of this board game “Feed the Monster”. The game consists of a cardboard monster named Willie who’s very hungry. The monster and cardboard food, are very colorful with different shapes on them. Willie has holes that are shaped differently than each other. For example, Willie will have a square, and the child will have to place the appropriate shape into the square space. My study will satisfy the needs of effectively socializing with others by pairing a child with autism with a child without any disorders. This will create productivty in socialization and learning fundamentally, by working together to complete the task at hand. It is predicted that, through acquistion of a board game, children with disabilities will be able to learn and perceive better social skill.

Project 11- week 4

The cognitive process I would be studying for my research is social cognition. Through this process, I believe that a child with specific disabilities can and will develop socially, especially around children their age. Social cognition , is a subtopic of social psychology that focuses on how people process , store, and apply information about other people and social situations. Social cognition plays a role in how we think, interact, and feel. There’s a study that was conducted to show how motion interactive games  affected children with cerebral palsy. The children developed better physically and their determination to win against friends increased productivity in performance.

I’m interested in this topic because my brother had a learning disability in which I believe he grew out of. He was born premature at 23 weeks. He spent 6 months in the hospital where the doctors said that it was possible he suffered a little damage to the brain. As he grew, video games seemed to be a place where he could express himself, and also learn how to interact with others positively. Cousins would come over and play with him, in which he learned how to share, his behavior changed for the better, and he began to express what upsets him and makes him happy.

My research would be made unique through specifically concentrating on children on the autism spectrum. Children with autism have difficulty with social interaction and communication. I will develop a video game to address these conditions and help shape behaviors and thought processes into a positive way.

Thesis: Through acquisition of a video game, children with disabilities will be able to learn and perceive better social skills.

Project 11- Week 3

The game I played during week 3, is called “A Closed World”. The game is trying to teach the player about the hardships immigrants go through when coming from their countries to America. There’s a main character named Lena Brodsky, and she faces the struggles of being in a new world, and the many events that follow. In order to help her brother and his family build a business, she works really hard to make money to help with rent, food for the family, and to save for her parents to come to America. While playing the game, I felt that the family put a lot of stress on her, because she was an “extra” mouth to feed in the house. The sister- in law, would often ask her about how much money did she make for the week, go out and buy this specific type of groceries. The sister-in-law became pregnant with her second child, and had a small baby already. I believe they could have been more careful, since they are working hard to save money. The brother also took out money from the savings account to fund his business. Luckily his business thrived, because if it didn’t the family would have went through a crisis. Overall the game was pretty decent and you are in control of the game.

Project 11- Week 2

3rdworldfarmerThis game was pretty difficult to master. 3rd World Farmer deals with the hardships of hunger and poverty, and the many obstacle that get in the way of prosperity. The game gives you several options in which you must choose wisely and select items that can earn wages during that year. At the ending of the year, the game shows how much you’ve earned, also what was lost, and how you were affected by it. It throws in some natural disasters, and seasonal changes that are out of your control. These changes kill your livestock, drowns your crops, and also affects your health. The children suffer as well, because if there isn’t enough money, then you can’t send them to school and they lack education. After each year, there’s usually a show that offers to pay for the family to dance in their show. Usually its about $50.00. This can help feed your family, or help you escape your debt. I found it crazy, that they offered to sell your family member to work in the city, so that you can get money upfront. Usually the money is around $5-$10, which is not a lot of money, but can help plant crops or buy livestock in order to sell. This game is nearly impossible to win. I played it for about an hour and a half, trying to master it. The most time I survived was about 5 years. There were too many natural disasters, diseases, and sickness in the family. I tried different tactics in order to survive and each one failed. I believe this game was designed perfectly for what it was named for. It is really impossible to win that came, or to complete about 10 years into the game.

Fa16-project11 week 1

  1. imageThis was my first time playing this game. I played it twice. Second time I actually won the presidency! It was pretty hard, because I was still getting to know the game, and to choose the right choices in order to get ahead of my opponent. Some parts of the game were easy to navigate, with the help of the tutorial. Having a little knowledge of the states that were democrat (the party I chose), helped put me at an advantage when polling and making appearances in the game. The main purpose of this game is to campaign across America, and do whatever it takes to become president. Fundraising, polling, appearances, and media coverages are all the things  that help you win the game. As long as the player thinks critically, then he/she can win. They even let you design your own campaign slogan, poster, and tour is. Pretty awesome. Overall great game!