Category Archives: FA16-Project 7

FA16 Project 7: Final Week


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is commonly known as ADHD and is common in most in young children into their early teens. Most students when learning feel self-conscious and it affects their school work by not letting them be the best they can potentially at school. Over time, they learn how to cope with it, but are still fearful to make friends and figure out how to do homework and study for tests on their own. Children who discover that they have this disorder sometimes need a boost in confidence or a coping mechanism to help them stay focused on their main priority; school. Sports like swimming, basketball and soccer help maintain focus because they support the mind by using their behavioral, language and attention cognitive processes.


Hyper activeness is associated with ADHD and many parents don’t like that word because most people connect that word to this disorder thinking it’s terrible when it actually isn’t. Being hyper active is to be impulsive and giddy when it’s inappropriate. A teen will drive slowly on the highway then speed when it isn’t necessary even when no one is on the road. If you don’t have ADHD, think of it like this, you’re impatient about knowing when the train is coming. A person with this disorder will do everything in their power to get to class on time but do it in a disrespectful manner. Some questions that might linger is that which parts of the brain get triggered to become so hyper active to the point of 4 and 5 year olds receiving a mental disorder when they should be playing in a sand box rather than being in a hospital. Being attentive is what every parent and teacher wants from their child, but when that attention span is harder to control, it can be quite difficult for both parties. Though no one has found a true cure or cause for this disorder, every scientist is curious as to why it happens in early childhood and not later in life.



This game teaches older teens to concentrate efficiently on associating colors with the correct word. The learning experience the game creates for the player is to think as quick on your feet as well as paying attention to what is being held in front of you. The dominant form of interaction the player has with the game is typing. This supports the learning objective by engaging in conversation when playing the game allowing the players to focus. The primary objective of this game is to get as many words right as possible in order to win. Yes, the game objective reinforces the learning objective since you need to focus on the words being presented in front of you.


I created the conditions of how each player must be able to type in at least one word correctly so that they’re eligible in order to keep playing the game. The subjects in each condition were asked to answer a series of simple questions as in: what color is the sky and when was the declaration of independence signed in order to be able to participate in the game. I collected data by putting all the scores into a spreadsheet.

psych 200 poster for final project

FA16 Project 7: Week 16

Hyper activeness is associated with ADHD and many parents don’t like that word because most people connect that word to this disorder thinking it’s terrible when it actually isn’t. Being hyper active is to be impulsive and giddy when it’s inappropriate. A teen will drive slowly on the highway then speed when it isn’t necessary even when no one is on the road. If you don’t have ADHD, think of it like this, you’re impatient about knowing when the train is coming. A person with this disorder will do everything in their power to get to class on time but do it in a disrespectful manner. Some questions that might linger is that which parts of the brain get triggered to become so hyper active to the point of 4 and 5 year olds receiving a mental disorder when they should be playing in a sand box rather than being in a hospital.

There were 5 subjects used and they were recruited if they have the mental disorder, ADHD, and then will be picked at random. On one hand, subjects that were included are anyone that attends school. On the other hand, people who were excluded are those who don’t have ADHD. The conditions of this experiment were that the experimental group were given medication in order to focus on the game and the control group were given a placebo; thinking they were given medication when they took nothing. I would observe how the subjects responded to simple questions and if they didn’t answer in a timely manner, they would be placed in the control group. The average age is late teenage years, 18 & 19 years of age. You can be male or female, any ethnicity, must be in school to participate in this experiment.

I created the conditions of how each player must be able to type in at least one word correctly so that they’re eligible in order to keep playing the game. The subjects in each condition were asked to answer a series of simple questions as in: what color is the sky and when was the declaration of independence signed in order to be able to participate in the game. I collected data by putting all the scores into a spreadsheet. ADHD can positively affect school work and extracurricular activities when treated with prescribed medication. My results don’t support my thesis because my subjects actually surpassed my expectations in a sense that they were compliant with the rules and regulations. My experiment solves the problem of the unsolved problem my study will address is that why how can we as young mature adolescents figure out a way to stop ADHD. This problem further advances the field because it helps children figure out how to focus clearly.


FA16- Project 7: Week 15

ADHD can positively affect school work and extracurricular activities when treated with prescribed medication. My results don’t support my thesis because my subjects actually surpassed my expectations in a sense that they were compliant with the rules and regulations. My experiment solves the problem of the unsolved problem my study will address is that why how can we as young mature adolescents figure out a way to stop ADHD. This problem further advances the field because it helps children figure out how to focus clearly.

FA16 Project 7: Week 14

The name of my game is called Speed Round and this week we concluded our results into data called statistical data. There were 5 subjects used and they were recruited if they have the mental disorder, ADHD, and then will be picked at random. On one hand, subjects that were included are anyone that attends school. On the other hand, people who were excluded are those who don’t have ADHD. The conditions of this experiment were that the experimental group were given medication in order to focus on the game and the control group were given a placebo; thinking they were given medication when they took nothing. I would observe how the subjects responded to simple questions and if they didn’t answer in a timely manner, they would be placed in the control group. When calculating statistical data, you must always leave the result in SI units. I calculated the mean for each of subjects to get a precise representation on how each person was doing throughout the game.

FA16 – Project 7: Week 13

The name of my game is called Speed Round and this game teaches older teens to focus in a timely fashion on associating colors with the correct word. The learning experience the game creates for the player is to reason with yourself and stay focused on the task at hand. The conflict between the players is presented when the other players surrounding you may or may not have more correct answers than you. When this happens, players can feel insecure and stop playing or typing faster without trying. This is a bad technique because players will get words wrong which is holding them back in hopes of them winning. The conflict is maintained and resolved when you focus on your words and not the other players in the game. In this trail of the game however, there are no conflicts. The game is playful because you experience how to focus on words rather than other people’s scores to be the winner. According to Bartle’s Taxonomy, achievers would be the category this game falls under. The reason is because the common goal is to receive as many points as possible in order to move forward.


FA16 – Project 7: Week 12

My game is called Speed Round and this week was the third playtest which meant the third trail of our game. There were 5 subjects used and they were recruited if they have the mental disorder, ADHD, and then will be picked at random. The conditions of this experiment were that the experimental group were given medication in order to focus on the game and the control group were given a placebo; thinking they were given medication when they took nothing. I would observe how the subjects responded to simple questions and if they didn’t answer in a timely manner, they would be placed in the control group. I created the conditions of how each player must be able to type in at least one word correctly so that they’re eligible in order to keep playing the game. The subjects in each condition were asked to answer a series of simple questions as in: what color is the sky and when was the declaration of independence signed in order to be able to participate in the game. I collected data by putting all the scores into a spreadsheet. This week, my game did very because the subjects felt confident in typing and to do so in a timely fashion.

FA 16 – Project 7: Week 11

My game is called Speed Round and this game teaches older teens to focus efficiently on associating colors with the correct word. The learning experience the game creates for the player is to reason with yourself and stay focused on the task at hand. There are still 5 players involved in this game and the players are competitive with one another which results in healthy boundaries so they can push themselves to becoming the best version of themselves in the game.The conflict between the players is presented when the other players surrounding you may or may not have more correct answers than you. When this happens, players can feel insecure and stop playing or typing faster without trying. This is a bad technique because players will get words wrong which is holding them back in hopes of them winning. The conflict is maintained and resolved when you focus on your words and not the other players in the game. The game ends by whichever player gets 50 points. The outcome does not conflict with the game objectives because one person must get 50 points in order to be the winner first.

FA16 – Project 7: Week 10

My game is called Speed Round and this week was the second playtest which meant the second trail of our game. There were 5 subjects used and they were recruited if they have the mental disorder, ADHD, and then will be picked at random. The conditions of this experiment were that the experimental group were given medication in order to focus on the game and the control group were given a placebo; thinking they were given medication when they took nothing. I would observe how the subjects responded to simple questions and if they didn’t answer in a timely manner, they would be placed in the control group. I created the conditions of how each player must be able to type in at least one word correctly so that they’re eligible in order to keep playing the game. The subjects in each condition were asked to answer a series of simple questions as in: what color is the sky and when was the declaration of independence signed in order to be able to participate in the game. I collected data by putting all the scores into a spreadsheet.This week, my game did well for most of the subjects because they felt motivated to actually focus on the game rather than rushing into it.

FA 16 – Project 7: Week 9

The name of the game is Speed Round and this game teaches older teens to concentrate efficiently on associating colors with the correct word. The learning experience the game creates for the player is to think as quick on your feet as well as paying attention to what is being held in front of you. The rules of the game are simple, when the player is presented with a word for example horse, they would immediately think of the color brown since that is a common color for a horse. The tricky part about this game is that the word is colored in with a different color not associated with the animal. The word horse would be spelled in a green colored font and the player must say what the color of the font is rather than what they think the color of a horse is. They only have 5 seconds to write their answer. These rules may conflict with the learning objectives because people are too quick to go onto the next word without realizing they have the wrong answer. The conflict between the players is presented when the other players surrounding you may or may not have more correct answers than you. When this happens, players can feel insecure and stop playing or typing faster without trying. This is a bad technique because players will get words wrong which is holding them back in hopes of them winning. The conflict is maintained and resolved when you focus on your words and not the other players in the game. This game is functional, not fully because there are mishaps that did happen when players were interacting with the game.

FA16 – Project 7: Week 8

The name of my game Speed Round and there were 5 subjects used and they were recruited if they have the mental disorder, ADHD, and then will be picked at random. On one hand, subjects that were included are anyone that attends school. On the other hand, people who were excluded are those who don’t have ADHD. The conditions of this experiment were that the experimental group were given medication in order to focus on the game and the control group were given a placebo; thinking they were given medication when they took nothing. I would observe how the subjects responded to simple questions and if they didn’t answer in a timely manner, they would be placed in the control group. I used a piece of pen and paper to record and documents my findings/data. The game is presented by getting as many words right as possible in order to win. I created the conditions of how each player must be able to type in at least one word correctly so that they’re eligible in order to keep playing the game.