Category Archives: Project 4

FA-16-Project 4: WEEK 1

The game i played this week is titled ” NOVA’s Evolution Lab”. The link for the game is :


Nova Labs takes a very interesting approach on what, to me, seems to be a very challenging task. The developers decided to make the process of phylogenetics more accessible and intriguing by creating a simulator/puzzle based game. Phylogenetics, as described by NOVA LAB, is a “fancy name for the study of the evolutionary relationships among species”. The objective of the game is teaching its users how all life on earth is related through evolution. This task becomes easy through NOVA’S tree of life program. This game functions as a puzzle based simulator where users must create evolution trees by linking different species with different traits.

After creating an account, users are given a brief but informative lesson on Darwin’s theory, origins of evolution and several other highly related topics.  Interaction takes place when users drag different species to the center of the screen. A tree branch is then created between the species. Users must then drag traits that suit each species. Some species share traits so users must be cautious about the placement of each species. As users progress, the complexity of the tree is heightened. The first tree started with two species and while i did not complete the game, the last tree i tried had 6 species.

Due to its lack of story,  low appeal to mass, and a nonexistent character development feature, this game is geared towards those who have interest deeply rooted in evolution. It also lacks multiplayer functions but it does allow users to track their progress. This means that there is potential for multiplayer functionality if users are allowed to upload his or her’s progress to a leader board.

As aforementioned, i did not complete the game due to its complex nature. However, i did play enough to grasp the purpose and feel the games impact.  Phylogenetics seems to be a very concentrated subject but this game shed some light on its importance.


Project 4 – Final Project

Hey Guys , I’ve been slacking with the posts lately I apologize for that. But this semester has been going great , I can now say I have successfully created a working game. Never give up guys , work with what you have!!! So I am going to do something different Guys I actually want to show you the rubric that I used to analyze my Game . If you guys are interested in creating your own game you can also follow this rubric ( credit given to Professor Duncan).

Game title and authors/company Med-Races         -Jared Bowen
URL where the game can be found Paper Based Game
Learning objective – What is the game trying to teach? What learning experience is the game attempting to create for the player? Effectively give prospective Nursing majors an insight into the field of Nursing.
Primary game mechanic – What is the dominant form of interaction the player has with the game? How does this support or obscure the learning objective? Mastery of Content. This allows the player to effectively learn while playing the game whether getting the answers right or not The player must use general knowledge to effectively make correct decisions/ answers to move on in the Game.
Physiological/cognitive/social/behavior processes – Which of these systems is most affected by the game design? How does the design attempt to affect this system? The most affected system is the cognitive system which is dealing with Decision making. This allows the player to think from their own knowledge and in-cooperate in into the game.
Number of players – How many players are engaged in the game? How do players interact with each other and the game (e.g., competitive or coorperative)? There can be a number of 3-4 players. The game is competitive.
Game objective – What is the primary objective of the game? Does the game objective reinforce the learning objective? The primary objective of the game is to climb the ladder to the top and become the next Head Nurse. Yes the game objective reinforces the learning objective.
Rules and procedures – What are the rules of the game? How do these complement or conflict with the game and learning objectives? The first person to start is determined by rolling dice, the higher the number wins. The dice is rolled each time a card is drawn. There is an Admin in place of holding the cards and keeping count of each player’s correct decisions. The Admin also keeps track of the time the player has to answer the question as in each level the time decreases If the player gets a questions wrong one the other players may be allowed to role again to give the correct answer.. Each level of the Game amounts for a different number of cards being answered to proceed. This can be set by the Admin of a default of 3-2-3-3-2-2 can be played with the game.( First level need to answer three cards to move on , the last level need to answer two) Once a player gets the number of required correct answers they move to the next level. The first person to the End side of the board is claimed as the Head Nurse. This allows the player to think harder each time a question is answered wrong , in hope that they move up the ladder to become the Head Nurse.
Resources – What items are accrued during the game? What resources are spent? What governs the exchange of resources? Dice, Cards , Player pieces, timer
Conflict – How is conflict between players or game elements introduced, maintained, and resolved? Conflict is introduced through, loss of time throughout the levels.
Boundaries – How does the game prevent players from behaving in a certain way? How might this limitation be fun? How might it contribute to the objectives? Players aren’t given ample time to answer each question in every level. As the higher they get up the ladder the less time they have to answer the question given to them. This allows the player to think off from their own knowledge as quickly as possible. Doesn’t allow the player to stretch the game and make it slow paced.
Outcome – How does the game end? Does the outcome conflict with the objectives? The Game ends after the player answers the two final questions and has reached the End sign of the Game. They now become the Head Nurse of the Game. No conflict with the objective of the Game.
Character – Who is the main character? What is their motivation? What is the relationship between the character/avatar and the player? The main character is the Player. Their motivation is receiving the title and becoming Head Nurse. The character and the player are one. The player has to enter a form of role play and play as if he/she were a Nurse.
Challenge – What challenges are presented to the player/character? What skills must the character/player learn or master? Challenges presented to the player are decision making problems in the form of questions. The character will learn about different information/skills in different Departments in the Nursing field.
World building – In what fictional world does the game take place? The Game takes place in the fictional world of a hospital. The player goes through different departments in the hospital trying to move up the ladder and become the top nurse.
Premise – What is the general premise of the story? You are a nurse in a Hospital, Your goal is to race to the top and become the head nurse.
Story – Does the story use a linear, branching, or emergent narrative? How do player interactions relate to the narrative? The story is just a base story; there is no formal story of the game. Just formed on the basis that you are a Nurse and want to become the top nurse of the Hospital.
Play – In what way is the game playful? Of the many types of play, which is most prevalent? Which of the players in Bartle’s Taxonomy is most likely to enjoy this game? The game is playful through the aspect of competition, trying to be number 1. The players in the Achievers group of Bartle’s Taxonomy are most likely to enjoy this game.
Dramatic arc – How are tension and resolution controlled in the story? How does the story create conflict in the game? The story creates conflict through not allowing   the player to achieve the Head Nurse seat without going through the different departments and not answering the set amount of cards in the Department.
Objects – What objects are used to build game systems (e.g., houses in Monopoly)? There is a non-moveable ladder that brings the player from level to level, Objects representing the different players. Dice to decide who gets to go first for each card draw.
Properties – What object properties are required for the game systems (e.g., house values)? In this Game there are no attainable items. The only thing that is attainable is the number of correct answers in each Department.
Behaviors – What object behaviors are required for the game system (e.g., buying)? The object behaviors are answering the decision making problems correctly.
Relationships – What are the basic relationships between system elements? What controls the dynamics of the system? The dynamics of the system is controlled by the time and the admin.
Economies – Does the game system exist as an economy (e.g., Monopoly or SimCity)? If so, how does the economy change over time? The Game system does not exist as an economy.
Emergent systems – What new systems emerge from game play? Are there procedurally generated systems? There aren’t any new systems that emerge from the game.
Interacting with systems – What information about the system is exposed to the player and what is hidden? How do players interact with the system, control the system, and received feedback from the system? N/A
Functionality – Is the game fully functional? Yes , the game is fully functional
Completeness – Is the game complete? Is there a voice not being represented? The game is based for Prospecting Nursing majors and covers just that. It is not a Game for any other major besides Nursing.
Balance – Is the game balanced? Is there a dominant strategy? Is the game symmetrical? If not, is the imbalance intentionally part of the design? All the players have an equal chance of winning the Game. The game is fair and able to be played by all the subjects.
Fun – Is the game engaging? How do elements that support engagement promote or obscure learning? The Game is Engaging, the elements promote learning because it is not expected that every questions is going to be answered right , after every card the correct answer is given. Whether the question is answered right or not, knowledge is attained.
Player choice – What choices are meaningful in the game? How do these relate to the objective? The choices to answer the questions in a timely matter is important, if you don’t answer in the time allotted turn is automatically given up. Teaches the player about the environment of nurses they are time restricted, and have to work time efficiently.
Fun killers – Are there parts of the game that are broken? What parts feel like micromanaging? What parts of the game are stagnant or boring? Are there insurmountable obstacles, arbitrary windfalls/calamities, or inconsequential choices? One thing may be, deciding who will go after a wrong answer is given. Not sure if another dice role should decide or I should change it to something else.
Accessibility – How easy is it to play the game? How long does it take to learn the game? How do players learn how to play? It is very easy to play the game. The gam doesn’t need to be learned just roles need to be filled. Players learn how to play through the rules given with the game.


Project 4 – Week 14



Hey Guys, Just going to keep it brief this week and share the play test results with you guys.


A total of 9 subjects were used when play testing my game. The conditions of the game were participants who played the Game and participants who did not play the game. Subjects were assigned conditions randomly. The demographics of the subjects were all pre-college freshmen selected from my church. The average ages of the participants were around the age of 18.

The materials that were used to collect data were the question cards themselves. Data was collected based on how many cards it took till the participant reached the desired goal for the level they are in. The Game was presented in a form of a Board Game.


Project 4 – Week 15

Poster Draft


Thesis: It is predicted that freshmen of the various colleges will no longer enter fields that they will change when they become seniors, they will now be educated and equipped to enter the field that they will enjoy for a lifetime.

   Problem : My experiment solves the problem of indecisiveness in  College freshman. I centered the experiment on Nursing students as in my college that is a field that most freshmen enter into. There are many tests that are enforced to tell what a person’s interest may be, but they do not combat the issue of securing the interest in the person.


Project 4 Week 8


Hey Guys , I was so excited to play test the new Game  MED-RACES

  • The game was presented in the form of a beta card. Which included the scenario that was supposed to be role played, the time limit and the materials needed. No responses were measured.
  • No data was collected . Just tested to see if game was structurally stable to be played. Explained that the game was generally for medical majors on including (Nursing, Occupational Therapist, Psychical Therapist)
  • The Game was able to be Successfully played , but there are some nooks and crannies. There was a suggestion made to use materials that everyone has access to. Or to make cards that resemble certain materials.

Everything Seemed to have gone well will make adjustments where needed …… See You Guys Sooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Project 4- Week 12

Beta Play-test

-Hey Guys I know I have been absent lately, a lot of work and other tasks…. But I am back , and this time I am Play-testing my very own Game. Yes!! My own Game, I know your probably wondering “How did he go from reviewing games,to making them?” listen I don’t have a clue either!

But You have to do What you have to Do…………………………….

Alright I will go back and fill you in on the process of making the game in my earlier weekly blogs ( Just go and take a look after about 3 days lol, I have to update them) Anyway Right now the game I have created in entitled “MED-RACES “. I have yet to actually test a prospective aspiring nursing major , but will be able too shortly now finding out that my sister wants to pursue this career. My recent play-test was conducted by a forensic science pursuiant. I was basically looking to see if my game was functional and worth playing. I received good comments on the structure of the game. It was suggested I used easier cards. Another suggestion was to implement dice or someway to figure out which 1 of the players would go first.

Thats it for now , Youll hear from me soon.


Project 4 Week-7

MED-RACES Image result for sand glass

Learning Objective;

The Game is trying to involve the player in different

situations in their desired field. This interaction would give

them insight on whether the career they are pursuing is

the best fit. The cognitive process that is trying to be

taught is effective decision making.

Game Play:

Med-Races allows for as many players want to play the

game. Players are put into groups depending on which

vocation interests them. They are then allowed to choose

from the deck of cards of the vocation they have chosen.

The game has competitive and cooperative play.


project 4 Week-6

Methods in Question Form

1. Subjects a. What is your population of interest?

College freshman who are in the OT, Nursing, and the PT programs

b. What subjects were sampled from that population? How were they recruited? College freshmen who think they are set to take on these careers in life.
c. What were the conditions (e.g., experimental vs. control groups) and how did you assign subjects to the conditions? Experimental- play the game Control- does not play the game Subjects were randomly split in groups
d. What subjects were included? What screening criteria were used to determine if a subject was eligible for the study (e.g., include only subjects with Type 2 Diabetes)? The subjects that were included College freshman who were interested in OT, nursing, and PT vocations. People who are eligible are only students whose majors in these fields .
e. What people were excluded (e.g., exclude subjects with Type 1 Diabetes)? College students who are not in their freshman year and who have no set plan for the vocation they want to dwell in.
f. What was the average age of the subjects? Describe the other relevant demographics like gender, ethnicity, education, etc. The average ages of students are 17-18 yrs. old.
g. How were subjects motivated to participate? Were they paid? Did they receive course credit? The subjects were motivated by receiving recommendation letters that stated , the student has had some experience in a field.

2. Apparatus

a. What materials did you use? Pen, paper, computer, Game, occupational clothing,
b. Describe your stimuli in detail. The stimuli is a learning based game that will allow freshman to enter the world of their vocation. This will in turn remove any vocational insecurity and have them continue college on a straight track of their vocation.
c. How were stimuli presented? Currently under development , thinking like a board games or so let based card game.

Project 4 Week-4

 What am I going to Base my Game On????????????

  • College Students
  • Vocational Choices
  • Making Decisions
  • Choosing the right path
The study I will be conducting will solely focus on college freshman, as many
college students start college thinking they already know what their vocation is. But as time passes they end up in their last year finding out they were not really called to be in a certain field. 
 It is predicted that freshmen of the various colleges will no longer enter fields that they will change when they become seniors, they will now be educated and equipped to enter the field that they will enjoy for a lifetime.

Project 4 Week -5

Vocational Interests 

OccupationsImage result for vocation

What are vocational Interests?
That’s the kind of work you want to do. What kind of job you eventually want as an adult.The word vocation come from the the Latin word call, that being said a vocation is an occupation that a person was called/born to do.

Image result for freshman cartoon

 What am I going to do for the rest of my Life?
Which occupations bests suit me?
Am I suited to start my own business?
Am I an entrepreneurial person?
Many People enter college with the idea that they truly know what they want to do in life , most of these people change their minds by their senior year and find them selves having wasted an ample amount of time.

Thesis: It is predicted that freshmen of the various colleges will no longer enter fields that they will change when they become seniors, they will now be educated and equipped to enter the field that they will enjoy for a lifetime.