Speed Into Math
United States has implemented the Common Core Standards, which will aim to better prepare students from K-12 for higher education. Children in Elementary school are required to learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide. Children in Middle school learn ratios, rates and proportional relationships. Meanwhile in high school children are to solve equations. Not only are students require to learn and practice for Common Core in school, but making the learning environment more fun and engaging for students to learn may help them be encourage in practicing for Common Core test.
Learning Objective:
The game is trying to teach students the concept of math, and their area of struggle. To analyze each word problem to identify the given information and to develop strong problem solving skills. I am making a game that is suitable for beginners and non beginners who are just starting to become familiar.
They are to solve math problems along their way.
Using mathematical games is a great way to improve students critical thinking and math skills.
Playing games encourages strategic mathematical thinking, as students find different strategies for solving problems and it deepen their understanding.
When playing the game repeatedly, it supports a student development of computational fluency.
Games gives students the opportunity to practice, often without the need for teachers to provide the problems. Teachers are able to observe, and work with individuals or work in small groups with students.
Formal Elements:
Number of players: 2-4 players may be engaged in the game. Players might act competitive.
Game Objective: The primary objective of the game is to reinforce the learning objective.
Rules and Procedures:
The rules of the game is each player begins at start.
Your goal is to reach to the finish line.
Each player is required to roll a dice.
You will move your game piece based on the number your dice land on.
If your game piece lands on a pick a card, you are to grab a card from
the math deck and solve it.
MATH DECK: (MADE BASED ON MATH TOPIC ex. Fractions, number operations, word problems. THAT WAS CREATED BY THE PROFESSOR )
If their answer is correct you move forward 3 times
If their answer is wrong you move back 2 times
Your goal is to get to the finish line.
Boundaries: The game prevents players from behaving frustrated
because of the struggle you might have with word
Problems or question. To prevent frustration , you may seek help from other
players. If you and your partner solve it correctly, you can both move forward 5
times and if wrong move back 2 times.
This game will mainly focus on developing critical thinking, problem solving and analytical skills, students will need to be successful. For
example the category of math can be fractions. Students will work on fraction problems. Fractions is broad topic that is difficult to learn among young children. The difficulties lies between conceptual and procedural knowledge. Students will focus on numerators or denominators as separate numbers rather than thinking of the fraction as a single number. Another difficulty is children identifying the procedure and how they came up with the answer. The material that will be used to design this game are the Common core standards.
The conflict between players are maintained, each player is to focus on reaching to the finishing line by solving word problems.
Boundaries: The game prevents players from behaving frustrated because of the struggle they might have with word problems. To prevent they may seek help from other players. if they solve it correctly they move forward 5 times and if wrong they move back 2 times.
the game is competitive
Dramatic elements:
Students motivation is to get their superhero to the finish line
challenges represented to the player are the word problems.
The skills the player will learn to master is analyzing word problems and being able to develop strong probem solving skills
The game is functional and complete.
The game is engaging and the elements supports engagement to learning. The math deck are based on the area of struggle and grade level.