Tag Archives: FA16-week 5 Project 17

FA 16 – week 5- Project 17


When it come to teenagers in this generation there’s definitely a significant difference, because all they focus on is being on social networks. Social networks is what makes this world goes round for teenagers these days. More than 92 % of teens go online daily including 24% of teens who say that they go online constantly. (Amanda Lenhart 2015)Teens are considered the most frequent used people on social media networks. When it comes to this study teenagers are not the same as they use to be. Adults and young adults these days are the first to notice that teenagers are not what they use to be. Teenagers “back in the day” use to be more active and willing to go outside and explore. Now teenagers are more in front of computer and smart phone then , they once was. Everything is the internet now a days and if your not on these socially media networks, other teenagers sometime view as not cool among they peers.

  This study solves the problem of making teenagers more aware that, they need to spend less time in front of their devices. They need to get back out into the world and find more things that attracts them . Instead of what’s going on in other people’s lives. When they can start living their own life but not through a smart phone or computer screen. Teens need to start putting their time into something more constructive. Everything isn’t always about the internet not to say the internet isn’t beneficial . But it’s time to step away!

  My study is different from other studies because I focus on what teenagers use to be. Compared to what teenagers are more like today in this age of time . There are definitely two type of teenagers in this world . Some that are aware of how much teenagers spend there time on social networks. Then there are teenagers that spend all of the free time in front of devices . The only problem with my study will be to find teenagers that are serious about taking the challenge of spending less time on the social networks .

   The work that still needs to be done is how to get teenagers away from their devices. I still question what makes teenagers so focused on their devices .         Why can’t they be adventurous and curious like how we use to be. I know that they can get back to what they use to be . Other theories can be challenged because everyone knows how teenagers don’t focus on connecting with each other no more. Especially when it comes to face to face connection . They rely on every interaction with each other through the social networks .

   My study will fill these gaps because they will help teenagers realize how much time they really spend on social media. It’s for teenagers to come to an understanding of how to make their life more interesting without involving the internet. It will help teenagers develop the skills of becoming more social among their peers. Instead of using the internet as an easy way out of face to face connecting. It’s for their own good because the internet can’t connect with people. It can only provide tips for how people can connect with each other.

  My thesis state that ” teenagers are more likely to be involved with anything pertaining to social networks” because that’s what it’s all about these days. This is how they keep up with what’s going on in other people life. Worrying about other people’s life helps derive them from what’s going on in there’s .