Project 23 week 9

the best of both worlds

the learning objective is to help them learn games from other countries. learn about other historical games. the game is trying to create how to experience games from other countries and learn about their historical fact about the games.
the dominant form the player has with the game is the player in the museum gets to play the game and experience it while the players in a classroom gets to read about it. it supports the learning objective because some may find reading about the game boring. they rather read about it.
the game is designed most affected for cognitive processes.this helps because this makes the player this about how to figure out which game from which country and learn about their historical fact about them instead of reading about it.
5 players are engaged in one group. they all have one station to learn about each game and they are to put together which game goes with what country and work as a team. they are cooperative with each other.
the primary objective of this game is to learn about different games in other countries which helps them learn about it faster instead of reading about it. yes the game objective does reinforce the learning objective
the rules of the game is not to discuss with other groups and learn within groups and help the team mates. they could play the game and put the pieces together.this compliments with the game and learning objective because they would learn better in smaller groups and they wouldn’t be everyday in the museum.
the items that occurred during the game is different games and clues for them to figure out which country it comes from. and doesn’t apply
the game elements are introduced to them with instructions of a teacher and they are to play the game and read a caption for every game they play and pick out of 5 countries which country is that game from and that is how the game is maintained. it is resolved by learning about other games in an entertaining method.
the game does not prevent players from behaving a certain way. the limitation of fun is a lot because they will be already in an informal setting. it doesn’t contribute with he objective.
the game ends after they figure out which game is traditional is what country. the outcome does not conflict with the objective.

the main characters are the players. their motivation is to learn about different games fast. there is no avatar.
the challenges that are presented is learning how to play the game.the player should master how to play the game fast and figure out the right countries before other groups.
it takes place in realistic world
the general premise of the story is learning about games by playing it instead of reading about each game which can be boring.
the story is used in a linear narrative method. the players interactions relates because they work together as a team and give each other any help each of them need.
the game is playful in a way to learn about different things which being in an informal setting and have the freedom. the most prevalent play is the children having the freedom to play the game in an informal setting.
the tension is controlled by the time because each students gets a certain about of time they get to be in each station. the story creates the conflict in this game by not having enough time for certain players.

the objects that were used to build this game is the actual ames from other countries and index cards with clues and graphic pictures to help them understand more.
the objects that are required are index card and a map of the world.
the object behavior that will be used is understanding the game and learning about other cultures
the basic relationship between the elements is putting the context clues together to learn in a fun method. the students that have to read the materials will be the controls the dynamics of the system.
no the game does not.
the new system that emerges from the game play is without them having to learn they study in a method where they play the game which can make them learn faster. yes there are procedurally generated systems
the information on how to play the game is exposed to the player and the information on what can they learn fro the activity is exposed to the player as well which will get the students more excited to want to learn. what is hidden to the player is not knowing if they are in a control group or experimental group because to them every class is doing it. the players interact with the system hands on and received feedback after they were done doing every level

yes the game is fully functional
yes the game is complete and there isn’t any voice
yes the game is balanced. yes there is a dominant strategy. yes the game is symmetrical.

yes the game is engaging. this promotes the learning because when they learn to play the game it stays in their mind about the fun activity they did and the way they learned it no matter how long it has been.
the choices that are meaningful in the game is having the choice to be in any station they want to be in. also playing the game many times as they want. they relate to the objective because when they play it many times they will learn more about it
there isn’t any part that is broken, the part that is going to feel micromanaged is understanding the game. playing the game is stagnant. there isn’t any inconsequential choices.
very easy to play the game. it takes them about 5 minutes to learn how to play and they learn by a group of adults that teach them how to play the game

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About Robert O. Duncan

I'm an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences at City University of New York, with joint appointments in Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroscience. I also have an appointment as a Visiting Scholar at New York University. My research interests include cognitive neuroscience, functional magnetic resonance imaging, glaucoma, neurodegenerative disorders, attention, learning, memory, educational technology, pedagogy, and developing games for education.

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