The name of the game is Textured Card Game. The purpose of the game is to help children suffering from sensory processing disorder improve their sensory skills. A total of 40 children were used. The children were recruited from an occupational therapy office. The inclusion criteria consisted of children that were previously diagnosed with sensory processing disorder and also children diagnosed with autism in some cases the children might have had both.FMRI were the images used to collect data. The responses were measured with brain activity. The brain activity was recorded by the computer.The conditions being compared in this experiment was children with sensory processing disorder (SPD) and children with autism (ASD) and SPD. The subjects in each group were asked to determine the texture of the animal in the card and the name of the animal. The subjects were asked to play with their class mates and tell each other the animal and texture and how they felt about it, if they liked the texture or not. Data was collected with FMRI images. The outcome of the experiment turned out to be positive. The children that had sensory processing disorder improved their sensory skills more after being exposed to different textures with the game cards. The outcome of the experiment turned out to be positive.
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