Project 18 Week 9




The game is trying to teach a person the consequences of taking hallucinogenic drugs. That how while taking the drugs that they make decisions and choices that will affect they negatively. The dominant form of interaction would be that the player has a choice. The whole game is player choice in order to advance. I would say this supports the learning objective because every time someone takes these mind altering drugs they are taking a chance. The most affected by this game would be the cognitive processes due to the fact that the player will be making choices throughout the game and the players have to think about the decisions to make when they’re given the scenarios form the cards. The design attempts to affect the system because they are trying to capture the flag and decisions are important here since we make them every day.


Two players can be engaged in the game. Players interact with each other in the game by making decisions that can affect the other player by making chutes. Chutes will block the opponent from capturing the flag. The primary objective of the game is to have the players to play a competitive game as well as have them understand that when they take hallucinogenic drugs they will be faced with decisions that will affect their life. The game objective does reinforce the learning objective. The rules of the game are they roll a die to determine who goes first they fix their flags and the first person to capture their opponents’ flag wins. Along the way the players will make decisions each turn they have that will complement the game and its learning objective. During the game each turn while the players make their decisions they earn tiles to help build their way to go capture their opponent’s flag. Depending on their situations which ever they choose tells them how many tiles they will receive. The conflict is introduced and maintained because right away players have to roll a die to see who gets to go first since they are playing to see who will capture their opponents’’ flag by using the tiles that will come from each turn. They can use these tiles to make ladders to advance or chutes to make their opponents fail. Well there are the choices to make chutes to stop the opponent from getting to the flag and even go back to the start. The limitation is fun because it stops the other player from capturing your flag. It contributes to the objective because the players are making decisions that affects them just like with using drugs you make decisions. The game ends with the person who captures their opponents’ flag.


Blue flag

This game is not based on characters. The motivation is to capture the opponent’s flag and to have the least amount of consequences. The challenges would be the situation from the cards the players will draw and the choices they’ll pick. I would say try to achieve getting the most tiles to use it to build the chutes to block the opponent or make ladders. For this game well the players will be in a world where one person is red and the other is blue and they have to capture the flag. The general premise would be that you and your opponent are at opposite sides and you basically have to capture the flag but you have to go through scenarios dealing with hallucinogenic drugs and their consequences. The story uses a branching narrative. Player decisions are important to the game. The game is playful since it’s competitive. For Bartle’s Taxonomy I would say is killer because of the game’s competitive nature would really enjoy this game. Well tension and conflict is introduced by having the players deal with the scenarios on the cards they draw and the decisions they make. The building of the ladders and chutes are important too.

red flag



The tiles are the object properties since you are using that to advance to the flag. In the beginning rolling the die is what establishes who goes first. The cards that are drawn for the player and what they choose and what they decide to do with the tiles are important. The game fully support player choice. Well every turn the player makes a decision a new consequence comes about due to drawing cards. They can retrieve tiles. The information that is exposed to the player is that they know they have to use tiles to build ladders and chutes to either advance or block their opponent and they make decisions.


The game is fully functional. The game at this moment is complete but it’s always open to more ideas and suggestions to keep it fresh. The game is balanced. The dominant strategy of the game is to see if you can get the least amount of consequences so you can use the tiles to get quickly to the opponents’ flag. The game is symmetrical.


The game is very engaging because the individuals who are playing get to make choices that affects their movement to get to the other side. They get to use tiles to move around. This promotes learning because while you’re on drugs you are making a decision and many things can happen while your mind is altered. The whole game is decision based where the player has to make decisions in order to get to the other side. The choices that are meaningful would be if the person chose to make a ladder or chute. It relates to the objective because in the game the person has to see who can make it first to their opponents flag the fastest. I would say there’s always room to add onto the game that it’s not broken. The game is straightforward. The game is entertaining and not boring since you get to be competitive. The obstacles would be if your opponent builds a chute where you have to go you end up going back to where you started from and have to start rebuilding again. Well if you like player choice games this would be fun to you. The game can be learned right away it’s not hard. Well you roll a die in order to see who goes first then they fix their flags, grab their tiles so they can build and shuffle the deck of cards each time it’s their turn they draw a card.


The Space Shmup tutorial was very challenging to create since it’s more detailed than the other two prototypes I made. This one was challenging but was interesting I never thought about the detail that goes into creating these games. It’s much longer to create there was more to code. I can say a lot of coding was involved with this. It was interesting I found myself at ease with unity using the system. I’m beginning to become comfortable with following the instructions for the system.

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About Robert O. Duncan

I'm an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences at City University of New York, with joint appointments in Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroscience. I also have an appointment as a Visiting Scholar at New York University. My research interests include cognitive neuroscience, functional magnetic resonance imaging, glaucoma, neurodegenerative disorders, attention, learning, memory, educational technology, pedagogy, and developing games for education.

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