In this blog there are some interesting points of the game entitled The Secret of a Healthy Diet that are pinpointed. The blog addresses the number of subjects were used in the game. In fact, several participants were recruited. As a method of recruitment, school’s database was used. However, students that were not in New York middle school were excluded. As a mean of collecting data, computers were used.
The game was presented on a set of 50 cards, and there is a separate sheet on which players can read the instructions provided by the designer. To measure the responses, the performances of the players at school after they’ve played the game were considered. The conditions that were created and compared were students that have played the and those who did not. The experimental group was asking to play the game and the control group was not assigned to do anything. The data were still collecting on computer or notebook.
For the result of the experiment, a normal curve distribution representation with the mean of 100 were used. Students who kept playing the game had scores that fell on two standards deviation above the mean. However, those who did not spend too much time playing had scores that fell at one to two standard deviations below the mean.