I’ve completed a final version of Cloud Nine this week. The learning objective in this game is to help inform and teach people about marijuana.The dominant form of interaction that the player has with the game is guessing the object on the cards. This supports the learning objective because the teammates will help the player guess the noun. And each card has definitions of these key objects.The system that affects the game design is the physiological aspect of the game. The design affects this system because things that they learn from this game will influence their actions after the game. This also affects their behavioral process and also their cognitive because players are retaining and learning new information.
A total of 8 to 10 players can engage in the game. The players interact with the each other and the game in both a competitive and cooperative way. Players compete with each other because they are all trying to win the game and lose all of their chips. Players are cooperative because they are trying to help each other guess the answers.The primary game objective of the game is to teach people about marijuana. The game objective reinforces the learning objective because players are helping each other learn and they are able to learn by helping one another.There are no items accrued in the game. No resources are spent. Conflict between players are introduced with the chip system initially everyone starts off on the same level but as the game progresses and people begin to loose or gain chips the conflict is maintained. This is only resolved once there is a winner.The player only prevents the players from knowing the information of the game. This limitation is fun because players try to guess the answers, or guess “who” or “what” they are. This contributes the game objective because players are learning while playing. They’ll be able to learn key facts about whom and what they are.The game ends when one player has managed to lose all of their chips. But if the game has been going on for an extended period of time the game ends with the person who has the least amount of chips.
The rules of Cloud Nine :
• Players cannot see their cards.
• Players can ask questions to obtain the answers
• Players cannot ask questions which gives away too much hints. This includes questions which spell out the answers.
• The game begins with the person who has guessed the least number between 1 and 10.
• Players start with 3 chips.
• Each player has 60 seconds to guess an answer.
• Each player must witch their cards after their turn has gone, whether it was guessed correctly or not.
• If a player is unable to guess their card right they must switch their cards. After two rounds of guessing their cards incorrect the player will gain one chip. A player with a total of 6 chips is disqualified from the game.
• The player with the least amount of chips, or the player that loses all of their chips wins!
There is no main character in this game. Players are only motivated to loose chips. The challenge presented to the character is both losing their chips and guessing the item on the index card. The skills that players must master are which questions to as that will help them obtain the correct answers before time runs out. This game does not take place in a fictional world. There is no story line so there is no general premise to this story. There is no player interaction with the narratives and there is no narrative in this game. The game is playful because like the game of charades players must guess who or what they are. It’s playful because teammates are able to interact with each other and help them all while trying to win on their own. According to Bartle’s Taxonomy, achievers, explorers and socialize-rs. Tension and resolution are controlled in the game when players are disqualified but it is controlled because players have another opportunity of rejoining the game once it is over. Initially everyone might not perform well but once they become accustomed to playing the game and understanding the rules and mechanics they may do better. The only objects used to build this game are headbands with a little slot; index cards an hour glass and clear plastic green chips.The objects required for the game system are the index cards the green chips, the headbands and the hour glass. There are no behaviors required only asking questions and guessing.The thing that controls the dynamics of the game is the questions players ask. These questions may either be beneficial or harmful to the player. In other words it may help them guess the answer or it will not help thin in no way.This game does not exist in an economy and no new systems emerge from this game. Players know that they need to ask questions but the index card with their item is hidden from them. They are allowed to see their teammate’s cards but they cannot see their own. This generally helps the players help one another. Players receive feedback from the system through their peers. They also receive feedback when they gain or lose chips for guessing the correct or incorrect responses.
Cloud Nine is a fully functional game. All voices in this game are represented and the game is complete. The game is imbalanced but this is done to promote player interaction and the learning objective. The game is engaging players help one another and are able to interact with one another. This supports the leaning objective because players help each other learn the material. The choices that are meaningful in the game are the questions players ask. This relates to the objective because players ask questions in order to obtain the answer on the card. The cards contain facts form both the NIDA and the NIH, both websites which contain information about marijuana. The only fun killer in the game will be if players were playing the game for an extended period of time. Another fun killer can potentially be the coin system if a player constantly loses they may not be motivated to play. It takes roughly about 10 minutes for players to familiarize themselves with the rules of the game before they actually play this game the correct way. Players are given a sheet which thoroughly explains the rules of the game. This game is a fair game.