FA16-Project 7: Week 2

Hey Guys and Gals!

I played an awesome game called “Smorball.” The objective of this game to teach people how to type and spell in an efficient manner. Whereas the learning experience of this game is to help the player engage in reading directions, spell correctly, and do it all in a timely fashion. Also you save scanned books from getting digitally done for good. Before each level begins, the character is given specific instructions and this supports the learning objective since it’s helps the player accustom to the game and pace you should go at. While playing the game, it might may be difficult for some people since you should type in a timely manner and spell the word correctly; which is harder than it looks. There are 3 players engaged in the game and they interact as a team by cooperating together to complete the task at hand; spelling correctly and quickly before the bots tackle them. The game objective reinforces the learning objective because the learning objective teaches anyone how to spell words with different letters, punctuations and capitalizations. The rules of the game are simple: to defeat the bots, you must spell the word as quickly and correctly before the bot reaches your end line. Once you’ve spelled a word in one lane correctly another word with either go into the same lane or a different one depending on where the bot is placed (top, middle, or bottom lane). These compliment with the game and learning objectives by creating a fun and enjoyable experience to spell words correctly. The items received throughout this game are coins and helmets. You can either save your coins throughout the game and spend it later on equipment for your team or spend it whenever need be. There isn’t much conflict between the players and bots because you stay in your lane and try to tackle you if you don’t type fast or correct enough in time. Conflict is maintained and resolved by the players defeating the bots at the end of each word and game. The game prevents the players from destroying the bots by the bots disappearing once a player gets a word correct. This limitation is fun because it not only helps the player get more bots defeated, but helps you not get frustrated if the bots were lumped up in a pile in front of your player. The game ends when you’ve completed the entire United States map. The outcome does not conflict with the objectives whatsoever since to get to a next region or state on the map, you must get as much words spelled quickly and correctly as possible.

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About Robert O. Duncan

I'm an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences at City University of New York, with joint appointments in Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroscience. I also have an appointment as a Visiting Scholar at New York University. My research interests include cognitive neuroscience, functional magnetic resonance imaging, glaucoma, neurodegenerative disorders, attention, learning, memory, educational technology, pedagogy, and developing games for education.

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