FA16- Week 6- Project 17

The population is college students but specifically the teenagers that are just coming into York College. The people that were sampled from the population were the incoming teens which were freshmen’s. They were recruited because they were colleges from the college. The conditions were in the experimental group, they were the ones with the main focus. I assign a certain amount of teens to the experimental group which as was to go at least wee without using their phones, then the others in the control group were ask to go about their daily schedule with use of their phones. The people that were included was freshmen teens. The screening criteria that was used was a questionnaire about the teenager’s daily life. The people that were excluded were older adults and working teenagers. The average age of the subjects were 17 year olds to 21 year olds. The demographics was mixed ethnicity also both males and females were able to participate and education level were freshmen teenager’s. It was more of voluntary as a fellow student.I used a questionnaire to get my information from the students. The stimuli is based off the experimental group being ask to not use their phones and the control group will be ask to continue with normal activity. The stimuli is presented from the experimental and control groups based off their normal activities within the time frame within the experimental. I measured the response with charts and pie graphs.The conditions that were created was how long can the teens last without being on their phones and they were compared to the use of long teens spend on social media. The experimenters were asked to record how long they spend on their social media. I told them why I want them to participate in the experiment and the goal I wanted them to reach which was for them to interact more. I collect data by giving out anonymous questionnaire and it was measure through the response giving on the questionnaire, but not all of the questions were answered on the questionnaire.

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About Robert O. Duncan

I'm an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences at City University of New York, with joint appointments in Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroscience. I also have an appointment as a Visiting Scholar at New York University. My research interests include cognitive neuroscience, functional magnetic resonance imaging, glaucoma, neurodegenerative disorders, attention, learning, memory, educational technology, pedagogy, and developing games for education.

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