FA16-Project10-Week 11

This week while working on my game, I had to change some things compared to what i originally had written a few weeks ago.  One thing I changed in my game Attention Span of a Snail or Speedboat was the location as to where my game would take place. My game would be taking place in my living room and all the members participating in this game are my family members. Another thing was to create this game objects were needed. To create this game I used a board that’s simpler to a monopoly board. On the board four categories were present. It was like playing a game of Jeopardy.  On this board there was two sections with questions about the Dwarfs from the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The third section consisted of questions about the Prince. Lastly, the last category contained random questions.  Each participant was asked to ask questions. The difference was, if the male participants were unable to answer the questions, the female participants got the chance to answer. The point of this game was to test memorization skills and see how much information was retained by the males. After all, the males were the one who were being tested for short term attention span. Their attention span mattered the most, because their job was to convince the audience members they can memorize just as much as those with long attention spans. It was also to help determine whether attention spans should matter and if it truly does make a big difference. In this game the movies the participants in the control group and the experimental group was asked to watch was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. After the movie was over, a question round was then asked. Some key symbols to look out for would be the decorations used. The Christmas tree represented the females and the candy canes represented the male participants. The red Christmas box represented short term attention span, while the blue Christmas boxes represented long term attention span.

Some of the questions that were asked can be found on google. The only difference was, these participants weren’t allow to google any questions. Everything asked they either  knew the answer or they didn’t. One question that could trick those with short attention span was when asked about the prince’s name. This can make those with short attention span, who happened to get distracted easily feel like they missed this important factor in the movie. They would potential guess a name. In actuality, the prince’s name was never mentioned.  If those with short attention span happened to get a question wrong, the females would be able to answer the questions for them. The boxes show which participants happened to have a greater memory and sustain a better attention span.

Overall, this experiment was simple and still is simple. All the participants are doing is watching a movie and afterwords answering questions. Those questions are directly from the movie presented. The participants just have to tap into their brain and figure out what the correct answer is.  After answering the twenty questions presented, the results were in. In the end, the results were the male had a greater short term attention span compared to the females. The males had 7 questions where they were shown to have short term memory, because the candy canes were placed where the red boxes were located. In terms of the females, there was only 3 places where the females got placed on short term memory. In terms of long term, the males had  4 questions where they were able to remember. In terms of long term, the females had 6 places where they remembered long term.  Males were unable to sustain a longer attention span.



Questions asked after watching the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.


Answers to the questions asked.

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About Robert O. Duncan

I'm an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences at City University of New York, with joint appointments in Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroscience. I also have an appointment as a Visiting Scholar at New York University. My research interests include cognitive neuroscience, functional magnetic resonance imaging, glaucoma, neurodegenerative disorders, attention, learning, memory, educational technology, pedagogy, and developing games for education.

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