In my game Attention Span of a Snail or Speedboat? the main problem that seems to arise is whether or not partial points should be given for a question that’s not completely answered. There are conflicts in terms of answering the questions. For example, one question asked was to name all the dwarfs in the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. This would be a problem, if one of the players doesn’t name all the characters, but instead named 6 out of the 7. They would want partial credit, but no partial credit is given in this game. It’s more of you either know it or you don’t. If partial credit was given, it would mess up the results, and there would also still be a chance that the other team would be able to steal the question and gain full credit. So instead of given partial points for a question, full credit is always given. If someone only names 5 or 6 dwarfs they wouldn’t get credit for it, because they didn’t name all 7 characters present. Instead the question would just get passed over to the other team or just skipped over and counted as incorrect and the other team gets to choose another question.
This game is also not fully functional.The game is functional in a way because it’s detailed. By detailed, I mean the game consists of a lot of questions and is very detailed, because those questions are based on the movie. Questions would be based on what the characters are wearing and to describe the setting. Also to name the characters. It also shows the audience members whether or not having long attention spans or short attention spans can be equally the same or super different. It would also give the audience member an idea based on how many questions each participant gets correct. It isn’t fully functional because in terms of how the points should be calculated. Whether or not one should get partial credit or shouldn’t is still yet to be known. It also isn’t functional in whether or not two people from the same team should be able to answer the same question if their partner got the question wrong. Whether the question should get passed on to the other team or the team member is yet to be known. Whether the question should be eliminated even if both teams answered incorrectly is still in the works.
The game is complete. I say this because audience members get to ask questions. Every member present in this game gets to voice their feelings and thoughts.The game is balanced. It’s a fair game, because both sides get to compete together. This game accurate represents the points as to whether short term memory or long term memory should matter. If it should, after the game audience members would be able to chime in and give their thoughts. In the end of the game, all four main players would get to share their thoughts on how they feel about their results and defend their stance on long term and short term memory.