FA-16 Project 20 Week 15

Memory Gallery –  Sultan Tahir

For the thesis of this experiment proved that students who were blindfolded had a tough time remembering what they heard rather than students who looked at the pictures and had to remember them. With the students who had to remember what they saw, students in the 9th grade with easier pictures beat the students in the 11th grade that had to get harder pictures to remember during the game. 6 of the students in each round that were younger remembered the pictures or objects better than the 6 older students during each round. There were 10 rounds during the game.

Each round Started off With pictures The first few rounds had pictures that you can analyze quickly and remember what u saw Such as in rounds 1 through 5 were easier but each round you go through, the students got harder pictures and the analyzing timing was much lower such as in the first round the analyzing time was 35 seconds and in the 6th round the analyzing time was 20 seconds, the pictures in the 6th round and up were much  harder to remember for students.

As shown on the excel screenshot students with visual pictures scored very high rather than students with sounds that had to remember them had a hard time.











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About Robert O. Duncan

I'm an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences at City University of New York, with joint appointments in Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroscience. I also have an appointment as a Visiting Scholar at New York University. My research interests include cognitive neuroscience, functional magnetic resonance imaging, glaucoma, neurodegenerative disorders, attention, learning, memory, educational technology, pedagogy, and developing games for education.

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