Category Archives: Project 4

Digital Compass ©

Yep! It is yet another game we have up for review this week. This game is entitled Digital Compass. DC (Digital Compass) tries to teach the player to make good and not so good decisions. In order to create real life situations that will impact their future and their relationship. The game is attempting to create a twist of experiences of daily digital life. Digital Compass seeks out to engage the player, Operating under a cognitive process. The player learns to acquire and understand knowledge through thoughts , experiences and the use of their senses.   redbird 

Formal Elements

There are eight different players in the game. Each player interacts and teaches a different lesson. Some of the lessons include: relationships and communication, cyber bullying and digital drama, and self-image and identity. The primary objective of Digital Compass is to learn valuable digital citizenship skills by stepping into the shoes of eight characters to experience the twit and turns of the daily digital life. Just like any other solely recreational game , Digital compass uses the idea of a no rule theme and applies it to their educational game. With each character comes different conflict. For example, in the portion about relationships and communication, one character despised the fact that her friend and the star football player liked each other. She thought that her friend was wasting her time and that the football star was using her friend. By using communication and by not acting based on instincts, the character came to a positive conclusion that the football star genuinely liked her friend.

DIGITAL COMPASS ” Digital Compass is a creative and engaging way to spark reflection about the digital dilemmas that are routine in young people’s lives today. This dynamic platform is a great addition to Common Sense Media’s extensive collection of digital citizenship resources.”– Dr. Carrie James, Research Director of Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

Digital Compass allows a positive and negative response to portray the outcome of making positive and negative decisions in daily situations. This contributes to the objective because the players experience the twist of daily digital life. The game ends based on the choices chosen during the different scenarios. The outcomes does not conflict with the objective, it reinforces it. The game is engaging. The elements supports obscure learning. There isn’t anything that is hidden to the player. Everything is exposed and far upfront. All the characters and the players interact with the system, control the system, and receive feedback from the system.

Get the App     AT&TPlay Online Now

Lets Get out there and Play Digital Compass It is very easy to play and only takes seconds .

Project 4 Week 2

Hello Viewers, Guess what? Yess I recently played a new game called Spent. The game Spent centers on entering the life of a Person in poverty. The game is trying to teach how to effectively budget your money for the month.In the game Spent the dominant form of interaction that is used is movement, you are clicking on different choices that vary. This doesn’t take away or benefit the learning objective. Spent involves physiological and cognitive behaviors. You are given various options to choose from which shows how u think about a situation or how u would react in given situation. There is only One player involved in the game, there is no competition or cooperativeness. There is only brainstorming. The objective of the game is to effectively budget yourself for a month, while facing various situations that may come unexpectedly. The rules of the game are too make it through the month with a starting 1000 dollars. If you get to zero dollars the inevitable happens. When you are low on money different choices come up where you can borrow money. The challenges in the game Spent are being limited to the amount of money attainable and successfully allocating funds to different needs. The skills learned are how to budget and make a little last a while. You are limited to certain things you can do because you may not have the funds for it. I ended the game surviving with only 244 dollars at the end of the month. The game is fairly engaging, you don’t know what situation the game is going to throw at you. Every choice in the game is meaningful; it can decide whether you eat that night or decide to pay the gas bill.

Project 4 Week 1

Hello Viewers , If you looking for a realistic ,fun filled game Long Story by BLOOM DIGITAL MEDIA is the game for you. All though it is labeled a dating game for the real world , its much more than that. Long Story offers the player to encounter different scenarios whether it may be romantic , full of conflict, or emotional . All this takes place while solving the mystery and negotiating new social realities in the game. The game is based upon school interactions where you solve puzzles and build relationships with new friends and old enemies to work out exactly what happened to the kid of Locker 1224. Going in to the game I named my player Jared , which became the main character of the game. The games is very engaging. It is interesting because it portrays situations that happened to me. Such as me entering a new school and having to start all over and make new friends. In this game there is no ending the episodes continue and the game evolves.