Tag Archives: FA16- week4 – Project17

Project 17-week 4


When people hear the word “Puzzle”, they tend to think that they can automatically beat the puzzle mainly on the first attempt. But once the player has played and lost a couple of times they tend to pick up on what’s needed for them to actually beat the puzzle. Puzzle games are meant to challenge the player, intrigue the player and most of to have fun with. Scott Kim is one of the top puzzle designer and he believes that puzzles are almost everywhere. There’s always something for people to find out. There are three specific elements that a puzzle should definitely include which is novelty meaning that most puzzle has to have a certain insight for a player to beat them, appropriate difficulty the player should want to face some form of challenge but it has to be matched by certain skill level, experience and creativity, and last the puzzle has to be tricky the player must be able to switch perspectives or thinking to solve the puzzle (Scott Kim and Alexey Pajitnov 2014).    Although there has been some studies that people play puzzle games because they like the challenge, it’s a mindless distraction to some, people like the character and environment in which it takes place, and the spiritual journey that puzzles portray in they own way (Kim et al.’s 2014). We will see how playing puzzle games can allow people to use what they learned from the game and apply it to everyday situations such as categorization. Studies were done to see how puzzle games can relate to people who don’t always fit into certain cliques, but they can always find a way to fit in. when given time to find the right place for them. All puzzle games are one player because it can test an individual on the goal of a sufficient puzzle game. Which can also be the hidden fact that we face most of, what we go through on our own and it’s on us to get through it.