Project 9- week 3


Game Title: Bounden

Authors/company: Game Oven



The game I played was Bounden by Game Oven. This game is trying to teach gamers how to dance by using choreography by the Dutch National Ballet. The learning experienceBounden-App-Storee the game is attempting to create for the play is to be able to learn how to dance to that particular type of music in a fun and natural way. This game is affected by our social processes system. This design attempts to affect this system because the players have to work together in order to beat each stage. If there is no communication or no teamwork they would not be able to move on to the next round. It takes two people to play this game. The primary objective of this game is to teach players how to dance Ballet in a fun way. The game objective reinforces the learning objectives because the main goal of the game is to be able to teach players how to dance like the Dutch National Ballet.
There are a couple of rules that players must use in order to play this game. The rule of the game is that each player must keep their thumb on each end of the device at all times. Then they have to tilt the device around a virtual sphere following a path of rings in order to play the game. The players must swing their arms and twist their bodies, and before they know it, they are dancmzl.fbjltffqing. These rules complement the game and learning objective being the purpose of this game is to teach players how to dance.  This game allows players to get out of there comfort zone. It allows them to learn how to dance in a fun way rather than them learning the dance and get frustrating, because they can’t get the moves. This game allows players to focus more on the game than the moves.
The challenges that are presented to the players are the levels. The high the level the hard it gets. This means that they may have to move faster and the game gets more complex and complicated. The players must master there communication and eye coordination skills in order to master this game. They must talk to each other so that they won’t go the wrong way. They also must have good eye coordination to see where the rings are located on the virtual sphere.
This game is playful. This game  allows players to be active. The players have to get up and move there body in many positions in order to play the game. This game is playful because the players must work together to beat each level.  All the players in Bartle’s taxonomy are most likely to enjoy this game.
This game is fully functional. Picking a team player that  can work very well is meaningful in the game. The gamer may want to pick someone that they can communicate well with. This game is very easy. It only gets hard based on the level that the players on. The higher the level the harder it gets. It does take long to learn this game. It took me about two tries to figure out exactly how it works. The game is design so that players learn how to play this game from the beginning of the game. The game provides players instructions on how to play so that they won’t be lost when the game is in play.
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About Robert O. Duncan

I'm an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences at City University of New York, with joint appointments in Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroscience. I also have an appointment as a Visiting Scholar at New York University. My research interests include cognitive neuroscience, functional magnetic resonance imaging, glaucoma, neurodegenerative disorders, attention, learning, memory, educational technology, pedagogy, and developing games for education.

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