Week 4 Project 20

The purpose of my objective is to boost confidence in Pre-K and Kindergarten students so that they can grow up becoming used to participating.  Even though maybe sometimes, their answers might not be fully correct, implementing some sort of reward system or commentary will be good for these students because they will feel as if they accomplish something big.  At this age rewards or reinforcements is necessary for a child’s growing process because they are always looking to do good deeds in which they will get some sort of compliment or reinforcement.  If a child participates in class, a reward or some type of reinforcement should be given so that the child will feel comfortable to participate more.
Understanding the children at a very early age will assist them in their growing process.  A child will learn that participating is a good thing and be more incline to do so than not to participate if no reinforcements is given because to a child they will start to think at an early age that participating is not a good move when you are wrong.  In college they teach that no answer is wrong and that all participation is acceptable. However, in college, this is too late for students because some may be shut down at an early age which causes shyness, and social awkwardness.  This can be detrimental for them because these type of students might not want to participate in any event.
Handling this issue at an early age can save students from this distraught.  Students that are reinforced for participating at an early age will more likely participate later on in life in college courses.  Enabling these students to participate is a big part of classroom learning because you get to look at different perspectives and  views from other students.  Promoting reinforcements at an early age will be beneficial for students later on in life because the reinforcements that they will receive later on is recognition from their professors for always participating and continuing a discussion.  College students that do participate may encourage other students around them are shy to participate and become more engage in discussions.

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About Robert O. Duncan

I'm an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences at City University of New York, with joint appointments in Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroscience. I also have an appointment as a Visiting Scholar at New York University. My research interests include cognitive neuroscience, functional magnetic resonance imaging, glaucoma, neurodegenerative disorders, attention, learning, memory, educational technology, pedagogy, and developing games for education.

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