Project 6 Week 4

Motivating students to do mathematics.

Most kids who suffer in mathematics need ways on how to get better at it.

  • I am studying how to try and motivate students to do better in mathematics.
  • My study is socially relevant because there are so many people that suffer in mathematics and if I can try to find a way that will help them to be more motivated in trying more, then mathematics can be something that is an easier subject for these students.
  • The process between such a hard subject and the motivation of students is a challenge. So I am going to try and figure out what process they would have to go through to better understand the subject and continue to make the subject more prominent in life.
  • My study will address the reasoning behind why the lack of motivation in math is not looked at more in students. In schools today if you don’t get it then you have to figure things out on your own. Math is something that we deal with in everyday life, so if you don’t have the basics down then you wont understand the subject as a whole.
  • Thesis: Motivating students in mathematics through a process of different steps will lead them to better outcomes in the subject.
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About Robert O. Duncan

I'm an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences at City University of New York, with joint appointments in Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroscience. I also have an appointment as a Visiting Scholar at New York University. My research interests include cognitive neuroscience, functional magnetic resonance imaging, glaucoma, neurodegenerative disorders, attention, learning, memory, educational technology, pedagogy, and developing games for education.

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