Category Archives: FA16-Project 9


The name of the game is Textured Card Game. The purpose of the game is to help children suffering from sensory processing disorder improve their sensory skills. A total of 40 children were used. The children were recruited from an occupational therapy office. The inclusion criteria consisted of children that were previously diagnosed with sensory processing disorder and also children diagnosed with autism in some cases the children might have had both.FMRI were the images used to collect data. The responses were measured with brain activity. The brain activity was recorded by the computer.The conditions being compared in this experiment was children with sensory processing disorder (SPD) and children with autism (ASD) and SPD. The subjects in each group were asked to determine the texture of the animal in the card and the name of the animal. The subjects were asked to play with their class mates and tell each other the animal and texture and how they felt about it, if they liked the texture or not. Data was collected with FMRI images. The outcome of the experiment turned out to be positive. The children that had sensory processing disorder improved their sensory skills more after being exposed to different textures with the game cards. The outcome of the experiment turned out to be positive.




Inclusion criteria

             The study consist of two populations. Participants who were chosen were children diagnosed with sensory processing disorder (SPD). Some of the participants chosen were previously diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) based on the DSM-5 and sensory processing disorder by their therapist. The age range was between children that were 5 and 10 years old and the gender was boys. The two groups that were in the study consisted of twenty boys with autism and sensory processing disorder and then twenty boys with only sensory processing disorder. There was a total of 40 boys within the age range of 5 and 10 years old. The participants with autism were all able talk. The two groups of boys were then separated to smaller groups which broke into ten boys in each group so there was four groups in total. The first group consisted of ten boys with autism and SPD, the second group had ten boys with autism and SPD and this group was taking textured game card therapy. The third group consisted of ten boys with SPD only, the fourth group had ten boys with SPD and were taking the textured card game therapy. The subjects were recruited from a occupational therapy office by an evaluator from the clinic. All the subjects were children under age and the parents were motivated to let the children join the study by the idea of more research being made within the sensory processing disorder field; as well the subjects parents were offered four months of free occupational therapy.

Exclusions criteria

            All children that were not within the sensory processing disorder spectrum, as well patients that were not within the autism spectrum, children that had other processing disorders such as visual, and auditory.


The materials used were game playing cards the size of index cards, an occupational therapy and fMRI machines. The cards had items with different textures. Some of the cards consisted of a picture of a bunny and had the white faux fur of the bunnies fur so the children can actually feel the softness of the bunny. The occupational therapist is the therapist that will be giving the children textured card game therapy for those taking the therapy, the rest of the children who aren’t taking the card game therapy will only be taking occupational therapy. The fMRI images will be used to see the children’s brain activity when they are touching the cards. During the MRI exam the signals are sent to the computer to record the results (Magnetic Resonance 2016). The electrical signals are then converted into waves on the computer and that’s how they are recorded (Magnetic Resonance 2016).


The conditions being compared in this experiment was children with sensory processing disorder (SPD) and children with ASD and SPD. The idea of the subject is to use textured card came as a therapeutic intervention for children with sensory processing disorder. The subjects that were not taking the card game therapy were asked to attend their regular sections of occupational therapy. The subjects in the group with card game therapy were not attending occupational therapy sections only card game therapy. The goal of the card game therapy is to help the children with sensory process disorder to improve their sensory abilities. All the subjects were asked to play with the boys in their group a card game and they had to determine the animal on the card and how the textured felt and if they liked it or not. Before the fMRI scanning the participants were to practice in a similar setting for the cause of them not getting panic and for them to be familiar to the setting. As well the mock MRI scanner was to avoid un still movements of the participants. Prior to the MRI the patients parents were asked to make sure the hair of the participants is clean and no oils or lotions are in the hair due to that it might cause difficulties attaching the foils of wire to the scalp. The day of the MRI exam patients were to enter the MRI scanner, they were to lay down and the radiologist will set them up and tell them to stay still. The stimuli used during all three trials of the fMRI exams were the textured cards using three different textures. The three textures included soft, rough, and hard. The subjects were to touch the cards and the brain activity will be recorded as they touch the cards. There were four trials in the study using the fMRI images and they were separated within one month each.




Game based learning is designed to balance subject matter with gameplay and the ability of the player to retain and apply said subject matter to the real world. Perceptual process is the structure of psychological steps that a person follows in order to organize and interpret information from the outside world. One of the studies done in the field includes the study that was done with second grade students and they had to acquire historical knowledge of medieval Amsterdam playfully(Huizenga et al. 2009). Another study done was one conducted at a university it examined difference in academic achievement of students that use and those who do not use video game learning (Blunt). A research made in the field stated that current learning methods for young learners fail to engage learners used to interactive media (Prensky, 2005). work that needs to be done in this field is to find out if game based learning can fill in to help the needs of the children that have perceptual processing disorder. This study is a add on to other studies that have already been done in the field and can contribute to the research already done to have more information. It is predicted that game based learning is effective because it helps children perceptual processing using a different style of learning compared to regular class learning.

fa16project9-week 4

Thesis: it is predicted that game-based learning is an effective way of learning because it helps children perceptual process by using a different style of learning.

The cognitive process i am studying is working memory. This study is socially relevant because is something that is becoming more common in the early education schools. As well as not all student learn the same way different children have different styles of learning and game based learning can be one engaging way of learning for children. This study isn’t necessarily solving an issue is justing adding additional research to the reason why game based learning is something that should be involved in children education.


FA16 Project 9- week 2

The game i choose this week is called Save The Park. The objective of the game is to bring awareness of maintaining the parks clean. The game has two players so is a character and the characters partner. The characters are competing against each other by who picks up more trash then get the most points. The games has rules which is to pick up the trash and also the game gives a heads up about to avoid the ponds and the tree logs during the game. Every character in the game are different as well as they have different characteristics and each of them have different superpowers. The game isn’t very intresting due to the character not being able to move around as much. The game is engaging the characters are trying to pick up trash as much as they can and also trying to pick up the trash at the same time as the partner that way the points will double and you get more points to unlock other stages in  the game.

FA16 Project 9- week 1

The game i chose to play was dumb ways to die. Im not really a game player but the name caught my attention right away and i went on with it. the purpose of the game was to avoid dying. the educational part of the game was to not get distracted in the train environment to avoid  dangerous scenarios of death from occurring. the game consisted of a one player. there were different parts to the game the scenes kept changing and i was very confused. i tried to master the game but it just didn’t work.