week 7, project 25

Week 7 Milestone: Pre-Alpha

Instructions: Use the worksheet below to guide the first draft of your game, but feel free to add to this template as needed. Not all areas will apply to every game, and the questions listed below are only meant as a guide. Consult your text for terms you don’t understand. Publish your design document in expository form to your ePortfolio. Submit a copy of your worksheet to the appropriate link in Blackboard.

Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent Points Comments
Responded to all the relevant categories in the worksheet in a substantive manner Needed to address several categories in the Worksheet. Addressed most of the relevant categories, but did not demonstrate mastery of the concepts. Addressed all of the relevant categories in the worksheet, and demonstrated mastery of key concepts as they relate to the game. 30/30
Published critical review to the ePortfolio Did not publish a critical review for the public. Published a review in expository form, but the article was not accessible by novices and experts alike. Translated all the content from the worksheet into expository form. Wrote an accessible article that could be appreciated by novices and experts. 10/10
APA formatting, writing style, grammar, spelling, and punctuation Article not formatted in APA style. Many issues with grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Does not include citations and references when appropriate. Article formatted in APA style, but there are errors. Some errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Inaccurate citations and references. Article formatted in APA style. No errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Includes appropriate citations and references when needed. 10/10
TOTAL 50/50

Game title Get smart
Learning objective – What is the game trying to teach? What learning experience is the game attempting to create for the player? Teach the participant to be able to identify and pronounce a word or words.
Primary game mechanic – What is the dominant form of interaction the player has with the game? How does this support or obscure the learning objective? Learning and reward
Physiological/cognitive/social/behavior processes – Which of these systems is most affected by the game design? How does the design attempt to affect this system? Psychological and social
Number of players – How many players are engaged in the game? How do players interact with each other and the game (e.g., competitive or coorperative)? 1 player
Game objective – What is the primary objective of the game? Does the game objective reinforce the learning objective? The primary objective of the game is to reinforce learning.
Rules and procedures – What are the rules of the game? How do these complement or conflict with the game and learning objectives? The rules of the game a very much minimal, you score points at a level, you move on to the next level.
Resources – What items are accrued during the game? What resources are spent? What governs the exchange of resources? Points (rewards)
Conflict – How is conflict between players or game elements introduced, maintained, and resolved?
Boundaries – How does the game prevent players from behaving in a certain way? How might this limitation be fun? How might it contribute to the objectives? If you can’t pass the first level, you can’t unlock the next level.
Outcome – How does the game end? Does the outcome conflict with the objectives? The game ends when you unlock the last level of the game, then you get a victory cup of great achievements. This would make the participants know that they have a very good job, and would be motivated to do even better outside the world of the game.
Character – Who is the main character? What is their motivation? What is the relationship between the character/avatar and the player? The participant. Points accrued during the game. The participants control their avatar.
Challenge – What challenges are presented to the player/character? What skills must the character/player learn or master? The character must be able to identify the word presented to them.
World building – In what fictional world does the game take place? Non-fictional
Premise – What is the general premise of the story?
Story – Does the story use a linear, branching, or emergent narrative? How do player interactions relate to the narrative? The game is very linear, you know if you pass level one, you are going to level two.
Play – In what way is the game playful? Of the many types of play, which is most prevalent? Which of the players in Bartle’s Taxonomy is most likely to enjoy this game? The game would be playful, because the participants would be able to see the reactions of the avatar. For example, if you get a word correct, your avatar jumps for joy, if not your avatar would look a little sad, but would give an impression of not giving up.
Dramatic arc – How are tension and resolution controlled in the story? How does the story create conflict in the game?
Objects – What objects are used to build game systems (e.g., houses in Monopoly)?
Properties – What object properties are required for the game systems (e.g., house values)? Letters, words, avatar and rewards.
Behaviors – What object behaviors are required for the game system (e.g., buying)? Getting the words or letters correct.
Relationships – What are the basic relationships between system elements? What controls the dynamics of the system? rewards
Economies – Does the game system exist as an economy (e.g., Monopoly or SimCity)? If so, how does the economy change over time? No

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About Robert O. Duncan

I'm an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Sciences at City University of New York, with joint appointments in Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroscience. I also have an appointment as a Visiting Scholar at New York University. My research interests include cognitive neuroscience, functional magnetic resonance imaging, glaucoma, neurodegenerative disorders, attention, learning, memory, educational technology, pedagogy, and developing games for education.

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