Monthly Archives: September 2016

Project 17-week 4


When people hear the word “Puzzle”, they tend to think that they can automatically beat the puzzle mainly on the first attempt. But once the player has played and lost a couple of times they tend to pick up on what’s needed for them to actually beat the puzzle. Puzzle games are meant to challenge the player, intrigue the player and most of to have fun with. Scott Kim is one of the top puzzle designer and he believes that puzzles are almost everywhere. There’s always something for people to find out. There are three specific elements that a puzzle should definitely include which is novelty meaning that most puzzle has to have a certain insight for a player to beat them, appropriate difficulty the player should want to face some form of challenge but it has to be matched by certain skill level, experience and creativity, and last the puzzle has to be tricky the player must be able to switch perspectives or thinking to solve the puzzle (Scott Kim and Alexey Pajitnov 2014).    Although there has been some studies that people play puzzle games because they like the challenge, it’s a mindless distraction to some, people like the character and environment in which it takes place, and the spiritual journey that puzzles portray in they own way (Kim et al.’s 2014). We will see how playing puzzle games can allow people to use what they learned from the game and apply it to everyday situations such as categorization. Studies were done to see how puzzle games can relate to people who don’t always fit into certain cliques, but they can always find a way to fit in. when given time to find the right place for them. All puzzle games are one player because it can test an individual on the goal of a sufficient puzzle game. Which can also be the hidden fact that we face most of, what we go through on our own and it’s on us to get through it.

FA16-PROJECT12 – Week 4

Attention, Perception and Decision-Making

Usman Athar

CUNY York College

Attention, decision-making and perception will be the cognitive processes studied. The combination of cognitive processes to be studied is attention and how it can affect decision-making or perception, after visualizing something for a certain amount of time. The study is socially relevant because it’s interesting to know if people’s perception changes after sitting down for just 4-5 minutes and simply looking at each other. Also, will it cause them to make decisions in terms of whether or not they should initiate conversation? Will it cause people to ultimately lose their preconceived notions about other people, based on what they see? Ultimately, will it destroy racism? This project is primarily directed at understanding the cognitive processes of attention and how it affects perception. Racism is and will forever be unsolved, but if human beings can find ways to reduce it then it would be impactful. This project can possibly find a way to help people break their preconceived notions about certain people. Although it is definitely difficult to make an innovative contribution to a field that you are learning about, it is definitely worth it and will certainly be moving a milestone, whether it may be big or small. Looking at studies that have been done before can provide great examples of studies that are yet to be done. That is a great start to this research project. Also the textbook can provide examples of studies that have been done and so that might give you ideas on what to do. As a victim of racism, this certainly does interest me, as I receive it on a daily basis. Maybe this research project can prove to be beneficial after all. Quality work will come from quality data, thus the research needs to be of quality. As it is something I personally face, I will be more than intrigued to study this cognitive process in hopes to maybe come up with a societal solution.

FA16-Project16 Week 4

Gender has a major impact on depression. Does one gender face depression more than the other? If so, what are the causes and what are the pressures from society that cause them to be depressed? In my research project I will investigate and try to pinpoint the reason behind this diagnosis and find a trend among these genders that spark depression. The project will make a novel contribution to the field, if there is a solution or something that can be done to prevent depression of both genders, then it should be done. Not everyone knows what a person goes through when they are depressed nor do they know how to deal with it, it is important that this is being investigated because it is giving me a chance to see the pressure both genders endure on a daily basis. This research project interests me incredibly, being a woman I am faced with a lot of pressures from society so I can use this and compare this to men, and gather Intel on both genders. My future career involves being a nurse and I definitely want to make my patients comfortable and understand the pressures they face every day. Also, I want them to feel as if I know what they’re going through without actually having to go through it. While depression has a wide range of causes, gender has the most impact.

FA 16 -Project 6 Week 4

 Thesis: Playing video games help to improve your memory.

The cognitive process that will be studied is memory.  The research will look at how well people can remember things after playing a video game.

This study is relevant because we use our memory every day.  From the moment we wake up we remember a dream, or something we are supposed to do.  While traveling to work or school we use our memory to help us remember how to get there or to help find our keys if we are driving. Throughout the day we may see something that reminds us of something else’s or someone and we try to retrieve those thoughts.  In addition, this study may be relevant to patients who suffer from mild or severe memory loss as it can help improve their memory over time.

A recent study was done where it tested the memory of subjects who played videos games. One group played 3D games and the other played 2D games. The subjects played these games for 30 minutes each day for two weeks.  Both before and after playing the game the researchers tested the memory of all subjects through a series of test. The results concluded that there was more of an increase in memory among the subjects that played 3d games. If I replicated this experiment I would allow the players to play the game for a longer period of time such as 1 hour each day to see if there is drastic increase in memory.

This project interests me because as I get older I have noticed a decrease in my own ability to remember things. People can tell me something and later ask me to recall the information and I sometimes have trouble with this.  Many of times after much debate on whether I was told or not I ask them to describe to me detailed information such as date and time, what we were doing when they told me and what my response was. Usually after this sort of detail is when I suddenly recall the information.  This concerns me because I wonder if   I am slowly losing my memory of things or if it’s simply because I wasn’t paying attention in the first place.  Also, I have a family member who has dementia so it makes me wonder if I am at risk myself. Additionally, I read an article some time ago that said playing certain games and engaging in specific activities can help strengthen your brain which in turn will improve your memory. The answer to this question is one that I would like discover first hand. This sort of discovery can help researchers and patients who have mild to severe memory loss greater than imagined.


FA 16- Project 5: Week 4

The cognitive process that I’ll be studying will be the perception young teens/adolescents have when playing video games, specifically those that contain violence and drugs.

My study is socially relevant because there are many children that play videogames that contain violence, drugs and other bad influences and its important to understand how they perceive these things in the games and how it can affect their lives. It’s important to understand if there is a correlation between their perception of these games and thinking its acceptable in real life. This is socially relevant because there are a lot of children that play these games and it may impact their lives, based on their perceptions of it. Many parents don’t pay attention to the correlation but they encourage it because even though many are underage they allow their children to play rated r video games.

This study will address more of an approach of getting feedback from children about the games, how they perceive them and if it leads to them behaving a certain way/ imitating what they see in these games. Observations will also take place during the session of playing the game to see if their behavior changes also when playing.

Project 11- week 4

The cognitive process I would be studying for my research is social cognition. Through this process, I believe that a child with specific disabilities can and will develop socially, especially around children their age. Social cognition , is a subtopic of social psychology that focuses on how people process , store, and apply information about other people and social situations. Social cognition plays a role in how we think, interact, and feel. There’s a study that was conducted to show how motion interactive games  affected children with cerebral palsy. The children developed better physically and their determination to win against friends increased productivity in performance.

I’m interested in this topic because my brother had a learning disability in which I believe he grew out of. He was born premature at 23 weeks. He spent 6 months in the hospital where the doctors said that it was possible he suffered a little damage to the brain. As he grew, video games seemed to be a place where he could express himself, and also learn how to interact with others positively. Cousins would come over and play with him, in which he learned how to share, his behavior changed for the better, and he began to express what upsets him and makes him happy.

My research would be made unique through specifically concentrating on children on the autism spectrum. Children with autism have difficulty with social interaction and communication. I will develop a video game to address these conditions and help shape behaviors and thought processes into a positive way.

Thesis: Through acquisition of a video game, children with disabilities will be able to learn and perceive better social skills.

Project 11- Week 3

The game I played during week 3, is called “A Closed World”. The game is trying to teach the player about the hardships immigrants go through when coming from their countries to America. There’s a main character named Lena Brodsky, and she faces the struggles of being in a new world, and the many events that follow. In order to help her brother and his family build a business, she works really hard to make money to help with rent, food for the family, and to save for her parents to come to America. While playing the game, I felt that the family put a lot of stress on her, because she was an “extra” mouth to feed in the house. The sister- in law, would often ask her about how much money did she make for the week, go out and buy this specific type of groceries. The sister-in-law became pregnant with her second child, and had a small baby already. I believe they could have been more careful, since they are working hard to save money. The brother also took out money from the savings account to fund his business. Luckily his business thrived, because if it didn’t the family would have went through a crisis. Overall the game was pretty decent and you are in control of the game.

FA16-Project22: Week 4

Attention span is an issue that not only involves children, but also adults. This can occur while excessively playing video games. My thesis will show a correlation to how excessive video game playing can lead to a decrease in attention span within students of all ages. Excessive video game playing can hinder a child’s attention and can create social and behavioral problems within students who do or cannot communicate with their peers. This is essential in the process towards my goal settings as I want to become a mental health counselor. While understanding how a person’s attention can be altered while playing video games excessively, this can give me the tools and understanding with future clients suffering with a mental disorder that can include attention deficiency.

Thesis: Can the excessive amount of video game playing decrease a student’s attention span?

FA16- Project 2: Week 4


The topic I have decided to research is “The Effects of Violent Video Games on Adolescents.” I chose this topic because it is always something that has interested me. I have many little cousins that play video games consistently and I believe their attitudes and aggression has changed because of this. Everyday children younger and younger are playing violent video games that their parents buy for them. My hope is to bring awareness to parents of the affects these video games has on their child. I do believe some video games help children learn and development but the violent ones that encourage crime is taking its toll on the next generation. Games like “Grand Theft Auto” are encouraging it’s players to commit crime. The whole point of the game is to steal cars, sell drugs and cause harm to  society. This game is rated M for mature which means you have to be 17 years of age to buy it but many parents are buying these games for their children which is setting a bad example. Many parents do not realize the message these games are sending but I’m hoping that after bringing awareness to this topic parents will think twice about buying their children violent video games.

Thesis: Playing violent video games has caused children to behave more aggressively.



This week instead of playing a learning game we were asked to answer thesis questions, that will help us answer some questions about cognitive psychology. The topic i chose to use was about memory ability in students from the age of 18 – 23. I chose this age range because those are the average ages of college students and what better way to study memory than in students who are asked to remember learning material throughout every semester they are in college. Most importantly why some students remember better than others. I think it will be a good topic to conduct on my colleagues and friends.