Category Archives: FA16-Project 17

FA16 – Week 8- Project 17

The game was tested within the week among some colleagues which were about 12 people . They got the chance to sit and part take in answering  questions, if they answered wrongly they lose a life and weren’t able to move on within the game. The players were recruited based off their age groups which consisted of people that were the ages 18-22 but young adults that weren’t into games were excluded and older adults. The players were inform about the rules before they actually got to play the game. The players was told what the game was trying to impress upon them. Which was to increase their knowledge but at the same time thrill of not losing their lives so they can progress in the game. The players response were measure based on how long it took for them to complete the different levels in the game.In the end my hypothesis show that people can learn from games, it just depends on the content of the game .

FA 16-Week 7-Project 17

The game I created is called Question Killers its meant for players to learn about our everyday school genres. Such as Reading, Math, science, and even foreign language. The concept of the game is to create a character then choose from the multiple scary houses that represent each category that the player will like to learn about. The game ranges from any age group that’s wiling to play the game. Anyone can learn from the game or just refresh their memory from what they already learned. The game is a one player game at a time because it meant to challenge one player at a time. The game is really fun to play, as the player answer each question correctly they move on throughout the levels. If the player doesn’t answer correctly they lose lives and when they run out the player has to wait for the timer to go down to get more. The game is a well balanced game but there is always room for improvement.

FA16- Week 6- Project 17

The population is college students but specifically the teenagers that are just coming into York College. The people that were sampled from the population were the incoming teens which were freshmen’s. They were recruited because they were colleges from the college. The conditions were in the experimental group, they were the ones with the main focus. I assign a certain amount of teens to the experimental group which as was to go at least wee without using their phones, then the others in the control group were ask to go about their daily schedule with use of their phones. The people that were included was freshmen teens. The screening criteria that was used was a questionnaire about the teenager’s daily life. The people that were excluded were older adults and working teenagers. The average age of the subjects were 17 year olds to 21 year olds. The demographics was mixed ethnicity also both males and females were able to participate and education level were freshmen teenager’s. It was more of voluntary as a fellow student.I used a questionnaire to get my information from the students. The stimuli is based off the experimental group being ask to not use their phones and the control group will be ask to continue with normal activity. The stimuli is presented from the experimental and control groups based off their normal activities within the time frame within the experimental. I measured the response with charts and pie graphs.The conditions that were created was how long can the teens last without being on their phones and they were compared to the use of long teens spend on social media. The experimenters were asked to record how long they spend on their social media. I told them why I want them to participate in the experiment and the goal I wanted them to reach which was for them to interact more. I collect data by giving out anonymous questionnaire and it was measure through the response giving on the questionnaire, but not all of the questions were answered on the questionnaire.

FA 16 – week 5- Project 17


When it come to teenagers in this generation there’s definitely a significant difference, because all they focus on is being on social networks. Social networks is what makes this world goes round for teenagers these days. More than 92 % of teens go online daily including 24% of teens who say that they go online constantly. (Amanda Lenhart 2015)Teens are considered the most frequent used people on social media networks. When it comes to this study teenagers are not the same as they use to be. Adults and young adults these days are the first to notice that teenagers are not what they use to be. Teenagers “back in the day” use to be more active and willing to go outside and explore. Now teenagers are more in front of computer and smart phone then , they once was. Everything is the internet now a days and if your not on these socially media networks, other teenagers sometime view as not cool among they peers.

  This study solves the problem of making teenagers more aware that, they need to spend less time in front of their devices. They need to get back out into the world and find more things that attracts them . Instead of what’s going on in other people’s lives. When they can start living their own life but not through a smart phone or computer screen. Teens need to start putting their time into something more constructive. Everything isn’t always about the internet not to say the internet isn’t beneficial . But it’s time to step away!

  My study is different from other studies because I focus on what teenagers use to be. Compared to what teenagers are more like today in this age of time . There are definitely two type of teenagers in this world . Some that are aware of how much teenagers spend there time on social networks. Then there are teenagers that spend all of the free time in front of devices . The only problem with my study will be to find teenagers that are serious about taking the challenge of spending less time on the social networks .

   The work that still needs to be done is how to get teenagers away from their devices. I still question what makes teenagers so focused on their devices .         Why can’t they be adventurous and curious like how we use to be. I know that they can get back to what they use to be . Other theories can be challenged because everyone knows how teenagers don’t focus on connecting with each other no more. Especially when it comes to face to face connection . They rely on every interaction with each other through the social networks .

   My study will fill these gaps because they will help teenagers realize how much time they really spend on social media. It’s for teenagers to come to an understanding of how to make their life more interesting without involving the internet. It will help teenagers develop the skills of becoming more social among their peers. Instead of using the internet as an easy way out of face to face connecting. It’s for their own good because the internet can’t connect with people. It can only provide tips for how people can connect with each other.

  My thesis state that ” teenagers are more likely to be involved with anything pertaining to social networks” because that’s what it’s all about these days. This is how they keep up with what’s going on in other people life. Worrying about other people’s life helps derive them from what’s going on in there’s .

Project 17-week 4


When people hear the word “Puzzle”, they tend to think that they can automatically beat the puzzle mainly on the first attempt. But once the player has played and lost a couple of times they tend to pick up on what’s needed for them to actually beat the puzzle. Puzzle games are meant to challenge the player, intrigue the player and most of to have fun with. Scott Kim is one of the top puzzle designer and he believes that puzzles are almost everywhere. There’s always something for people to find out. There are three specific elements that a puzzle should definitely include which is novelty meaning that most puzzle has to have a certain insight for a player to beat them, appropriate difficulty the player should want to face some form of challenge but it has to be matched by certain skill level, experience and creativity, and last the puzzle has to be tricky the player must be able to switch perspectives or thinking to solve the puzzle (Scott Kim and Alexey Pajitnov 2014).    Although there has been some studies that people play puzzle games because they like the challenge, it’s a mindless distraction to some, people like the character and environment in which it takes place, and the spiritual journey that puzzles portray in they own way (Kim et al.’s 2014). We will see how playing puzzle games can allow people to use what they learned from the game and apply it to everyday situations such as categorization. Studies were done to see how puzzle games can relate to people who don’t always fit into certain cliques, but they can always find a way to fit in. when given time to find the right place for them. All puzzle games are one player because it can test an individual on the goal of a sufficient puzzle game. Which can also be the hidden fact that we face most of, what we go through on our own and it’s on us to get through it.

FA16-Project 3 week3

Syrian Journey: Choose your own escape route is a game that most players need to get the chance to stop and play. Even though there isn’t much seen action within the game but just reading the choices you have to make is enough to know. This game shows what choices immigrants have to make on a countless bases to get themselves and their family to better living standards. This game is an eye opener for players all over and it shouldn’t be taking lightly. This game is one of those games that’s has to make choices based on, how much money you have and the severity of your family . Syrian Journey is a game that more players should be aware of because this is real life for a lot of people in these conditions. More games like this should be out for players to get the opportunity to play, but of course there can be more character to player interaction.

FA16-Project17-week 2

Win the White House is one of those games that appeals to a certain type of crowd. It’s definitely a game that can show the player the of becoming a future president of the United States. It takes the time to show the player what step they have to make in presenting a state of people and its issues. This game is a way for people to see what these candidates go through on a day to day base of getting the votes of follow Americans around the state. It give the player the idea of what it means to stand and speak for the issue the avatars share with the people they are trying to govern. Win the White House is a game that people should at least spend some time and playing it . This game give the players the opportunity of defending issues, they believe in as well as the people.